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Members List not displaying Locations Column

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Members List not displaying Locations Column Empty Members List not displaying Locations Column

Post by Guest April 30th 2009, 6:48 pm


I posted the following over a month ago on the "Other Problems" Board >
topic - "[ONLY TOPIC] Issues with the new update", but still have had no reply there, so assuming now that perhaps I'd posted it in the wrong place?

So re-posting here as a separate topic - so that someone who deals with "managing appearance of forums" can hopefully please help me?
25 March 2009, Cas wrote:Hope I'm posting this in the right place. I can't find anything else mentioned anywhere about this............
Since the upgrades, my "Members List" no longer displays members location column. Instead there is the column "loisirs" which I suppose is French for "hobbies". Is there a way I can change it back to displaying the location column, which is what I want back, and not have the "loisirs" column please? If not, how can I change "loisirs" into English? .........

Hope someone can advise me soon about this.


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Members List not displaying Locations Column Empty Re: Members List not displaying Locations Column

Post by kirk April 30th 2009, 9:54 pm

Since there is already a thread on this in the other problems section will now lock this with the link leading to that thread.
Thank you cas for telling us you have had this here:)

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