How Can i change the colour of my group? Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    How Can i change the colour of my group?

    New Member

    Posts : 16
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    Language : English

    Solved How Can i change the colour of my group?

    Post by Unkn0wnKing May 8th 2009, 10:10 pm

    the subject title says it all How Can i change the colour of my group?

    i just solved it 1 min agao thanks for all ur help.

    Male Posts : 11037
    Reputation : 653
    Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn

    Solved Re: How Can i change the colour of my group?

    Post by kirk May 9th 2009, 1:47 am

    Since the topic was marked as solved i will now lock