Group Legend question: How do I have a group show up on the legend, but not colour my members? Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    Group Legend question: How do I have a group show up on the legend, but not colour my members?


    Female Posts : 48
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    Location : Alberta, Canada

    Group Legend question: How do I have a group show up on the legend, but not colour my members? Empty Group Legend question: How do I have a group show up on the legend, but not colour my members?

    Post by Hillary.Reist Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:33 pm

    So, I would *like* to have a group on my Legend, but I don't want it to colour the members who are in said group. But every time I un-check the "Colour Group Members" the group disappears from the list.

    Is there any way to keep it on the list (it's an important group, so I wanted it near the top of the list) without it colouring my members?

    Thanks for your help. Smile

    Male Posts : 17924
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    Group Legend question: How do I have a group show up on the legend, but not colour my members? Empty Re: Group Legend question: How do I have a group show up on the legend, but not colour my members?

    Post by Jophy Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:34 am

    I don't think it's possible.

    Male Posts : 10386
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    Language : English and French
    Location : United Kingdom, England

    Group Legend question: How do I have a group show up on the legend, but not colour my members? Empty Re: Group Legend question: How do I have a group show up on the legend, but not colour my members?

    Post by Base Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:06 am

    You could just have the colour as the same colour as normal members without any groups. But then when you go over their name, there will not be a highlight colour.