Whats the real use of these forum points? Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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3 posters

    Whats the real use of these forum points?


    Male Posts : 420
    Reputation : 10
    Language : English
    Location : India

    Whats the real use of these forum points? Empty Whats the real use of these forum points?

    Post by Vibhor May 17th 2009, 1:41 pm

    Hey guys!
    We all get some forum points for our forum(depending on activites etc), So i want to know whats the real use of these forum points??
    can anyone tell?thanks! Smile

    Female Posts : 782
    Reputation : 9
    Language : english
    Location : Leeds

    Whats the real use of these forum points? Empty Re: Whats the real use of these forum points?

    Post by kylesmummy06 May 17th 2009, 1:44 pm

    The more points you have the better your forum.
    if you check on here the type of forum you run you will see people with more points are higher then you people with less are lower.
    There not there for you to buy anything etc

    Male Posts : 6823
    Reputation : 234
    Language : idk

    Whats the real use of these forum points? Empty Re: Whats the real use of these forum points?

    Post by Rok May 17th 2009, 4:10 pm

    I was wondering the same thing. So the more points there are for your forum, the more popualr it ecomes on search engines?