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Phpbb3 Categories.....All forums grouped together?

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Phpbb3 Categories.....All forums grouped together? Empty Phpbb3 Categories.....All forums grouped together?

Post by Mrhome Wed 20 May - 16:35

How in the world do you place forums into categories on phpbb3? It seems that all individual forums are grouped together.

I'm trying to separate the forums into certain groups, rather than one large group. Is there any way to do that? I've seen some forums that are similar and they have their forums separated into groups.

help is appreciated. Thanks
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Phpbb3 Categories.....All forums grouped together? Empty Re: Phpbb3 Categories.....All forums grouped together?

Post by IndyC0lts Wed 20 May - 18:31

I had the same problem. Here's what to do:

Go to your administration panel.
Make sure the box on the upper left side of the page has "advanced" checked.
If not, click it.
Now, go to Display.
On the list of things on the left, look under "Homepage" and click on "Structure and Hierarchy".
Now choose "medium" under "Split Categories on Index".

And you're done. If you don't like the way it looks, try some of the other formats in structure and hierarchy.

You're welcome. ~Indy

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Phpbb3 Categories.....All forums grouped together? Empty Re: Phpbb3 Categories.....All forums grouped together?

Post by Mrhome Wed 20 May - 18:50

Thanks! It works.
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Phpbb3 Categories.....All forums grouped together? Empty Re: Phpbb3 Categories.....All forums grouped together?

Post by IndyC0lts Wed 20 May - 18:56

Ok! Good!

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