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2 posters

    Guests can view, members can't.

    New Member

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    Language : English/French/Arabic

    Guests can view, members can't. Empty Guests can view, members can't.

    Post by Karl Wed 10 Jun - 15:55

    Hello! :-)

    I use forumotion for my clan in a game and one of the forums is an "apply here" forum so guests can apply to join the clan. Basically, I want guests to be able to read/post in that forum but when they become members, basically I want members not to be able to view or post in this forum (since it's useless anymore).

    I know it may sound a little silly but I'd really like it if it's possible. Any clue how I can do that? (Whenever I turn off members' ability to view and post, the guests' goes off automatically Sad)

    Posts : 5198
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    Guests can view, members can't. Empty Re: Guests can view, members can't.

    Post by ankillien Wed 10 Jun - 16:21

    It seems impossible mate. Confused
    New Member

    Posts : 3
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    Language : English/French/Arabic

    Guests can view, members can't. Empty Re: Guests can view, members can't.

    Post by Karl Wed 10 Jun - 16:38
