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3 posters

    Making a forum private


    Posts : 35
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    Language : English

    Making a forum private Empty Making a forum private

    Post by Meghan June 25th 2009, 9:59 pm

    How do I make an individual forum private? I'd like for it to be where administrators can approve the members who apply for this one subforum...


    Male Posts : 2114
    Reputation : 14
    Language : Currently, I am receiving support requests by P.M. Support requests, which can, and should, be done in the support section.
    Location : Oregon, USA

    Making a forum private Empty Re: Making a forum private

    Post by Mehtevas June 25th 2009, 10:02 pm

    i know you can make it for Admins/mods to see a certain forum by changing the permissions of it, but i think you'd need to make a special gropup for certain members to see the forum, as if you make it for members to read and write, it will apply to all members,

    My suggestion: make a special group for those certain members and give the group the permission to view the topic,


    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    Making a forum private Empty Re: Making a forum private

    Post by MrMario June 25th 2009, 10:05 pm

    You will have to make a group that you want to have access to that forum(s) then go to the forum(s) by Modifying it and clicking permissions and saying stop Guest/Members from viewing the forum and then add that group to view it and click save.

    Hope that explains it.

    Posts : 35
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English

    Making a forum private Empty Re: Making a forum private

    Post by Meghan June 29th 2009, 6:00 pm

    Ok I have it made, how do they join now?

    I have figured it out. Thanks!