How can i make a new html page . Hitskin_logo

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    How can i make a new html page .

    New Member

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    How can i make a new html page . Empty How can i make a new html page .

    Post by lukey_450 July 3rd 2009, 2:10 am

    how can i make my new html page but usuing the same theme as the rest of my forum? cuz i want it to be the same as the rest of the forum.

    also: how can i add a new thing next to usergroups? like i wanna add a new thing called Games next to usergroups any chance you can do that?

    please help.

    Male Posts : 6823
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    How can i make a new html page . Empty Re: How can i make a new html page .

    Post by Rok July 3rd 2009, 2:19 am

    You mean that you want the same background that's on your forum to be on your HTML page? What you do is:
    1. Administration Panel
    2. Display tab
    3. Pictures and colors -- Pics Management
    4. Advanced mode
    5. Find the background in that area and get the link.

    Now, you have to head off to the HTML page. For the background on the HTML page, you use this code:
    <body background="LINK TO BACKGROUND GOES HERE" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#FF00FF" ALINK="#FF0000">
    And after that, you're set to continue on with the HTML page.
    New Member

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    How can i make a new html page . Empty Re: How can i make a new html page .

    Post by lukey_450 July 3rd 2009, 2:37 am

    i dont get it cuz it wont be the same the rest of my forum?

    my forum is: how can i make it the same as for the html page??

    and do you know how to add the thing next to mm usergroups?
    Active Poster

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    How can i make a new html page . Empty Re: How can i make a new html page .

    Post by RoNo July 3rd 2009, 3:45 am

    lukey_450 wrote:how can i make my new html page but usuing the same theme as the rest of my forum? cuz i want it to be the same as the rest of the forum.

    When you create or modify an Html page...
    Select "Yes" for "Do you wish to use your forum page header and page footer?"

    lukey_450 wrote:also: how can i add a new thing next to usergroups? like i wanna add a new thing called Games next to usergroups any chance you can do that?

    To create a "Games" link next to "Usergroups" on your navbar

    • Go to your Admin Panel's Display Tab

    • Homepage: Headers & Navigation

    • Add a customized menu

    • Menu name: Games

    • Picture: [ URL for icon -if you want an icon displayed ]

    • Text: Games

    • Redirection URL: Link to your Games Page/Forum

    • Rights [ who can see the games link ]

    • Uncheck "Guests" if your site is "Members Only"

    • Use the green "Order" button to move your Games link next to Usergroups.