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3 posters

    Forum Promotion

    New Member

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    Forum Promotion Empty Forum Promotion

    Post by joelwantsasplit July 6th 2009, 9:58 am

    Gday Fellas,
    I was wondering if I was allowed to make stickers for my forumotion forum?

    Posts : 70
    Reputation : 0
    Language : eng

    Forum Promotion Empty Re: Forum Promotion

    Post by doggyhse July 6th 2009, 11:02 am

    sticker for forumotion forums for what? helping forumotion to advertise? u are looking down on forumotion on advertising? they will appreciate you if you let them put more googlr ads on your forums.

    Male Posts : 377
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    Location : Not where you are =P

    Forum Promotion Empty Re: Forum Promotion

    Post by notMicElf July 6th 2009, 1:54 pm

    You're trying to make stickers to advertise your forum, right? If you are, there wouldn't be a problem with that, depending on where you put them. If a site doesn't want advertisements, then it wouldn't be ok. And no, they don't allow you to advertise on here, only on 'forum promotions'.