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[Only-Topic] End of Week Update

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[Only-Topic] End of Week Update - Page 2 Empty [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

Post by Caihlem July 28th 2009, 3:35 am

First topic message reminder :

Hello all members Very Happy

I'm posting this little topic to inform everyone of a brilliant update that will, I'm sure, revolutionise the forum loove

To make a short story long, I'll be leaving the staff after some 3 years of service by the end of this week, most probably Thursday 30/07/09 Smile

For old time's sake;
Tristou wrote:16/07/06
Two members join the Forumotion team : Metal Knight and Dojeta Wink

That was me tongue

As you can see, I've been around here for a long long time. I've seen many members come and go. I've seen this forum and ForuMotion grow from a small project to one of the leading companies in free forums Smile
It's been great being here too. I've learnt alot on managing skills and on a personal level. It was interesting to build up projects and keep the team going and working. In my time spent, I've taken on many caps. Starting with the Moderator (mix of Gmod & Smod) helping members in the one support category to working behind the scenes as an Admin. This ofcourse passing by the stage where I was the number 1 advisor to the current Admin Razz
All this hasn't come without a cost though. I cannot stress on how much time and personal effort I have put into this forum. Yet I've seen, and still do, members who disrespect my work here. Members who think they are God's gift to mankind. Members who make you believe they're your friends only to deceive you behind the scenes. Indeed, all was not fun.

I'll admit to my fair share of mistakes to. Some bad decisions, some situations I could/should have handled better. But all in all, I must admit that I think I did a pretty damned good job here.

Anyway, it has come to a point where I feel the need to move on; try on something new for a change. I've personally harassed several staff members to explore the horizons with their knowledge or skills, I think it's time I did the same. I'm not leaving in the sense that I'm abandonning ship. I'm leaving in the sense that my job here is done.
I'll surely be back to visit time to time. Yell on staff, complain to the techies, and side up with the members for a change tongue

Rest assured that I've been working on it so as that my replacement will be done as smoothly as possible. Needless to say, the one replacing me will not be reveal for reasons of Top National Security ofcourse.

I'd like to thank all of you members for having made the journey with me and for having made it worth while Smile
My best regards to ForuMotion, and may the "grand adventure" never cease.


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[Only-Topic] End of Week Update - Page 2 Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

Post by Tarogasini July 30th 2009, 11:13 pm


Seriously, among all people left on Forumotion, i am gonna miss you the most when you leave Sad

You had the guts to say what was needed to say, to reply like a human and not just like some bot. Your posts had PERSONALITY, unlike some people... Now the board will be boring...

I want to say so much, and i cant find the words. I respect you as a man Caihlem. And you don't hear me saying that otherwise.

Just... Take care, aight ?
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[Only-Topic] End of Week Update - Page 2 Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

Post by ImProviser July 30th 2009, 11:46 pm

that was one hack of a service.... great job with it god khm caihlem Very Happy

hope you will find enough time to chill out, relax etc...

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[Only-Topic] End of Week Update - Page 2 Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

Post by SophieDophs August 4th 2009, 10:09 pm

Thanks for all your hard work, Caihlem, and good luck with the next new chapter in your life.

All the best. xxx

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[Only-Topic] End of Week Update - Page 2 Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

Post by Codyy September 25th 2009, 5:14 am

wow. I recall loging in everyday just to check for updates. Most of The Update's Came From YOU. Now I Guess They Will Hire Some So Called "REPLACEMENT" but they can call it an "Attempt" all they want, but it will be 100% IMPOSSIBLE to replace you.

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[Only-Topic] End of Week Update - Page 2 Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

Post by Luky September 25th 2009, 9:39 pm

Caihlem was a volunteer like the rest of us so he didn't work for Forumotion. Everything he did was because he wanted to do it.

I think this topic has been open long enough and that it is now time to lock it. I am sure Caihlem appreciates all of your kind words as he truly and without a doubt deserve them. However time has passed and we have to move on...

=>Topic locked

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