Adding a link/button to posts Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    Adding a link/button to posts


    Female Posts : 79
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English

    Adding a link/button to posts Empty Adding a link/button to posts

    Post by Gem85 June 26th 2007, 16:32

    Is it possible to add more links to your posts? Like where your post count, location etc is. Or maybe at the bottom where it has your web address, msn etc. Can I add 'blogs' or 'diaries' to it?

    I have blogs for my members, and at the minute there's just a link on the forum to them, but I'd like people to be able to link to a members diary or blog from their posts.

    Male Posts : 606
    Reputation : 12
    Language : Arabic.English.Italiano

    Adding a link/button to posts Empty Re: Adding a link/button to posts

    Post by Digit@l June 26th 2007, 17:05


    sorry. but that is not possible