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2 posters

    html codes


    Male Posts : 568
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English,urdu,hindi,arabic, basic html, css... will learn xml,javascript and jscript
    Location : Pakistan

    html codes Empty html codes

    Post by shamzblueworld September 14th 2009, 6:48 pm

    hello everyone,
    i want to know that as codes of html editing only work on phpbb2 and punbb in the general. so what if i put some codes there and after they work i convert my version to something else like invision, will this make any effect? the already affected code will keep working or stop? please clarify this

    Male Posts : 6823
    Reputation : 234
    Language : idk

    html codes Empty Re: html codes

    Post by Rok September 15th 2009, 3:40 am

    Of course it would make an effect. If you change the version of the forum, then you lose your template editing that you had that was in the previous phpbb2 or punbb version.