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    HTML codes help


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    HTML codes help Empty HTML codes help

    Post by KingOfSports September 19th 2009, 8:35 pm

    So I'm trying to spice up my HTML homepage a bit but I have a little dilemma. I am trying to make a nav bar like this site: (News, Team, New Stadium, Tickets, Fanzone, Community, Shop, Flight Crew)

    I'm also trying to make something like the articles they have on that page. (Week 2/Randy's Radar/Week 2)

    Any help?
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    HTML codes help Empty Re: HTML codes help

    Post by RobberBaron September 20th 2009, 7:49 pm

    There's an option for it in forum configuration. You can set a scroll banner to run across the top and use the html tag <a href = "News">Latest News</a>, and you can make it run across the top. Then you just set the HTML page to "Show Forum Header And Footer" and it will show it at the top. Or maybe you could edit New York Jets one using the view source button.

    Last edited by RobberBaron on September 20th 2009, 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : :nosaeR)

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    HTML codes help Empty Re: HTML codes help

    Post by ankillien September 22nd 2009, 9:40 am


    The navigation bar on that site is powered by Flash. To make sucj nav bar you can either use Flash action script or Javascript.