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I need the database of my forum

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I need the database of my forum Empty I need the database of my forum

Post by designer October 20th 2009, 8:35 pm

I want to ask if you can send me the database, which I've cerated few months ago. I need that database urgently.
I would be very thankful for your help.
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I need the database of my forum Empty Re: I need the database of my forum

Post by kirk October 20th 2009, 8:37 pm

there is no access to forumotions data base.

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I need the database of my forum Empty Re: I need the database of my forum

Post by designer October 20th 2009, 9:12 pm

kirk wrote:there is no access to forumotions data base.

There are lots of posts that are really important for us. I ask you to help me. If its necessary we could pay for downloading the database groar
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I need the database of my forum Empty Re: I need the database of my forum

Post by MrMario October 20th 2009, 11:12 pm

Forumotion has full rights to database and will never provide it to anyone. Please view this topic about database of forumotion.

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I need the database of my forum Empty Re: I need the database of my forum

Post by designer October 21st 2009, 8:40 pm

MrMario wrote:Forumotion has full rights to database and will never provide it to anyone. Please view this topic about database of forumotion.

So please give me the reason why the forumotion never provides the database to anyo?ne?

Why should I loose a database with lots of posts added by hundreds of users? It's not your base and it's not even my base. It's users' base.
Besides you make money on that (not that small).
In my opinion it's very unfair that you treat users like that.

Most of us doesn't even know by creating a forum, what a database is and that we might loose everything what we write on your forum lol!.

You know it, don't you? afro
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I need the database of my forum Empty Re: I need the database of my forum

Post by kirk October 21st 2009, 10:20 pm

formotion dose not offer data. they are a free forum host and are not in the business of providing or transferring data from one host to another.
Basically forumotion is free host that provide the public to create and run there own forums how every they want to.As long as there are no tos being broken then you can do what you want.. but they own the data.. you do not own your data.forumotion is providing and storing it for free.You can run your forum as you want. but it's there data they own it.They are just providing a free service for whom ever would like to create a forum. you can buy and own your domain.. but not the data.

I would suggest that you look into getting a paid forum perhaps on your own server or a server service if this is what your looking to do.

Forumotion do not offer any access to there data base.. the same way myspace ,facebook twitter etc.. do not offer this.

The question has been answered more then once.
Forumotion do not offer this and they never have it's there policy.
Do you honestly think forumotion would allow members to come in,create there forums,establish data just so they can leave ,go to another host and take there data... lol it's not happening. they don't want to sell or charge for the data either.
they are not in the business of doing this. paid forum yes. free
thread now locked

Male Posts : 11037
Reputation : 653
Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn

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