topic reply email notifications, people keep getting them! Hitskin_logo

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    topic reply email notifications, people keep getting them!


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    topic reply email notifications, people keep getting them! Empty topic reply email notifications, people keep getting them!

    Post by jayjay23 October 28th 2009, 11:24 am

    A lot of my members are asking me to sort out this problem and i cant find the answer anywhere...

    People are getting email notifications every day about new topics and replies to topics... now that the forum is starting to take off it means people are getting 20-30 emails per day which they dont want.

    How can i change this by default so that nobody gets the emails unless they opt in by choice?

    i know there is a check box at the bottom of the reply box which says notify me when a reply is posted (how can i make this box unchecked by default)...

    also i have posted a section on my forum explaining how to change the preferences in profiles to not recieve emil notifications. but people are telling me they are still getting them...

    please help me! i would be very thankful.


    please look at the discussion on my forum to see where we are up to and check the accuracy of what i have done.

    thanks again!
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    topic reply email notifications, people keep getting them! Empty Re: topic reply email notifications, people keep getting them!

    Post by Codyy October 28th 2009, 1:00 pm

    well, they can change this in there profile settings

    PROFILE > PREFRENCES > Email Notification on topic Reply > Off