Closed Forums????? I want to create a forum for me Hitskin_logo

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    Closed Forums????? I want to create a forum for me

    New Member

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    Closed Forums????? I want to create a forum for me Empty Closed Forums????? I want to create a forum for me

    Post by ladywiccana November 2nd 2009, 6:40 pm

    And my friends, but for no one else to join! Is there any such forum available at present??? Hello
    Active Poster

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    Closed Forums????? I want to create a forum for me Empty Re: Closed Forums????? I want to create a forum for me

    Post by Tilum November 2nd 2009, 6:46 pm

    yes it's possible with pemissions. However, for a full answer post in one of these forums.

    ~ Tilum

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    Closed Forums????? I want to create a forum for me Empty Re: Closed Forums????? I want to create a forum for me

    Post by KoolK November 2nd 2009, 11:15 pm

    Tilum wrote:yes it's possible with pemissions. However, for a full answer post in one of these forums.

    ~ Tilum

    Appropriately, may I include. Closed Forums????? I want to create a forum for me Icon_wink

    Male Posts : 6106
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    Closed Forums????? I want to create a forum for me Empty Re: Closed Forums????? I want to create a forum for me

    Post by Luky November 3rd 2009, 8:45 pm

    Hi, support requests are meant to be done in the adequate subsection of the Support Forum, whereas here we're in the General Discussions.

    I'm therefore locking this thread Wink

    => Locked