Admin account non-accessible Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    Admin account non-accessible

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    Admin account non-accessible Empty Admin account non-accessible

    Post by Agilas November 29th 2009, 9:44 pm


    I have a problem accessing my forum.
    I am the forum admin, but I haven't used it in a while.
    Now, when I tried to log on with my account, I'm unable to log on as the administrator.

    Can anyone help me there?
    New Member

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    Admin account non-accessible Empty Re: Admin account non-accessible

    Post by SpottyAE November 29th 2009, 10:05 pm

    Sorry, don't know what happened...:-\
    Is this your first post? Welcome! Smile
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    Admin account non-accessible Empty Re: Admin account non-accessible

    Post by Agilas November 29th 2009, 10:08 pm

    Indeed it is.
    So, thank you. Smile

    Is there an administrator for these forums who might be able to help?
    This supportforum is pretty different compared to the one I'm used's a lot to learn to use it correctly. Wink

    Male Posts : 11853
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    Admin account non-accessible Empty Re: Admin account non-accessible

    Post by Darren1 November 29th 2009, 11:04 pm

    Admin account non-accessible Hello

    When you go to login, does it tell you that your password is incorrect?
    If not, what does it tell you?

    I can give you two options to change your password & access your forum.
    1) You should attempt this way first as it is quicker: Login to the utilities =>
    and find the "Direct login to your forum" and login there.

    2) If you can't access the utilities as the password has been changed, or you cant access the founding account you will have to ask for a new password via =>
    New Member

    Male Posts : 3
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    Language : English/Norwegian
    Location : Norway

    Admin account non-accessible Empty Re: Admin account non-accessible

    Post by Agilas November 30th 2009, 12:08 am

    Thanks a lot, darren!

    I have sent a message to Luky, and hopefully, he will be able to assist me.