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How to submit a tutorial

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How to submit a tutorial Empty How to submit a tutorial

Post by Luky Thu 24 Dec 2009 - 18:04

How to submit a tutorial
How to submit a tutorial

If you want to submit a new tutorial please follow these steps:

  1. Please do a search or look in the Tips & Tricks forum before sending it to see if a tutorial about your tip / trick has not already been submitted.
  2. If you have a tutorial you want to submit to Forumotion please send it via PM to either a Manger or Support Moderator.
  3. Wait patiently to see if your tutorial has been accepted or refused. If it is accepted it will be posted in the Tips & Tricks forum by a staff member and you will be given credits for writing it. If it is refused, you will get a PM from the staff telling you why your tutorial has been refused.

If you want to modify/update a currently existing tutorial:

  1. Send your modification/update to one of the staff members via PM and please don't forget to also give a link to the tutorial that you wish to modify/update.
  2. If your modification/update is accepted, a staff member will make the necessary changes to the tutorial in question and you will be given credits for updating it.


The tutorial you submit must be your own work. If you have copied it from somewhere or used someone else's code without crediting them and having their explicit permission to do so, then it is called plagiarism. Here at Forumotion we take plagiarism seriously. If you caught to be doing this then you will receive a serious warning.

Male Posts : 6106
Reputation : 265
Language : Romanian, English
Location : Bucharest, Romania

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