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Few questions aimed at Photoshop CS4 users!

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Few questions aimed at Photoshop CS4 users! Empty Few questions aimed at Photoshop CS4 users!

Post by rblatch January 29th 2010, 2:53 am

OK so....

When I create a new document it automatically goes to full screen, can you change that without going to to 'Float All in Windows' constantly?
Also every now and then, when I go to... let say create a circle it wont let me, it's just bringing up the hand tool not the circle tool?

If anyone could help me I'd much appreciate it Very Happy

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Few questions aimed at Photoshop CS4 users! Empty Re: Few questions aimed at Photoshop CS4 users!

Post by MrMario January 30th 2010, 6:21 am

Your best bet to get help is going to Google or going to a graphic forum about Photoshop questions. I will lock this topic now.

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