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    What lawfull for discussion

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    What lawfull for discussion Empty What lawfull for discussion

    Post by netsniper February 15th 2010, 1:30 pm

    Hi I have a question that I'm not to sure can be asked on this forum? so sorry if its the wrong place , can you tell me what is ok to discuss on our forums?

    Thank you

    Last edited by netsniper on February 16th 2010, 4:51 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Male Posts : 48766
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    Location : Mumbai

    What lawfull for discussion Empty Re: What lawfull for discussion

    Post by Sanket February 15th 2010, 6:12 pm

    I will try to get Typlo's attention on this. He is the best person to provide you an answer.
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    What lawfull for discussion Empty Re: What lawfull for discussion

    Post by netsniper February 15th 2010, 6:24 pm

    Thank you Sanket
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    What lawfull for discussion Empty Re: What lawfull for discussion

    Post by Animalthebeast February 16th 2010, 4:44 pm

    as I was the original poster of the question netsniper was asking you about, can you get someone to answer for me as well. Netsniper is causing us, on the other forum many problems with complaining about things I write all the time and he is trying to gag me everytime I write something. So we on the other forum need your help to clear up what I can say and what I can't.

    I will add as you know Sanket, I live in Bulgaria and follow the laws of this country and no other.
    Thanking you for your help and advice,

    Best wishes,

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    What lawfull for discussion Empty Re: What lawfull for discussion

    Post by netsniper February 16th 2010, 4:57 pm

    Surely its the Admin of the site that should be asking this not one of the members

    scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
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    What lawfull for discussion Empty Re: What lawfull for discussion

    Post by Animalthebeast February 16th 2010, 5:16 pm

    As it is about me, and what I say and I'm a member here. As well as the fact you asked the question, I have as much right as you, to ask that same question. AS it is all about what I am saying on the other forum, I also have the right to know what I can talk about. Also for your information, I too have a forum and I can as founder and owner of that ask the same questions as you. So you see I have as many rights as you to be here and ask questions, even if you do not like it Name removed on request of Netsniper.


    Male Posts : 48766
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    Location : Mumbai

    What lawfull for discussion Empty Re: What lawfull for discussion

    Post by Sanket February 16th 2010, 6:06 pm

    Okay, this is the support forum & not a place to fight. Take it to the PM's.

    Netsniper, do you still need support? I think you don't since you edited your first post.

    Shall i lock this topic?
    Active Poster

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    What lawfull for discussion Empty Re: What lawfull for discussion

    Post by netsniper February 16th 2010, 6:08 pm

    Yes please it's getting a bit silly here

    Thank you

    Male Posts : 48766
    Reputation : 2830
    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    What lawfull for discussion Empty Re: What lawfull for discussion

    Post by Sanket February 16th 2010, 6:09 pm
