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    IPB -discussion, bug and all!

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by RikaComet November 6th 2008, 2:30 pm

    well here's what i have to ask- Is his IPB free version or forumotion has paid large sum for commercial license?

    the the bug- I noticed it inthe header ,if you set the header logo to be shown at center
    the forum description goes to a wrong position,

    then customisation-- hmm is a bit new so i need to evaluate it for a while before saying anything

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Jalokim November 6th 2008, 2:32 pm

    The css can fix that problem with ease.

    the CSS has a float class for the header... it shouldn't be there , and when you change the header via your admin panel it can't make out whats happening...
    I think all that needs to be done is to remove the float class, as I have done already..

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 6th 2008, 2:37 pm

    I just got accustomed to tweaking the templates with phpBB2 (complete coding idiot, here), so will learning the CSS with Invision give me back the ability to add images in the header - navlinks - and in the category headers, and such? While I like the Invision version, it doesn't seem to be as user friendly as the phpBB versions.

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Jalokim November 6th 2008, 2:43 pm

    Kyouri wrote:I just got accustomed to tweaking the templates with phpBB2 (complete coding idiot, here), so will learning the CSS with Invision give me back the ability to add images in the header - navlinks - and in the category headers, and such? While I like the Invision version, it doesn't seem to be as user friendly as the phpBB versions.

    I hope you realize that the era of phpbb2 is slowly disappearing ? Its not worth investing knowledge into phpbb2 ... it gives you no freedom.

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 6th 2008, 2:44 pm

    Jalokim wrote:The css can fix that problem with ease.

    the CSS has a float class for the header... it shouldn't be there , and when you change the header via your admin panel it can't make out whats happening...
    I think all that needs to be done is to remove the float class, as I have done already..

    And the code to remove that is?

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Jalokim November 6th 2008, 2:46 pm

    I've stumbled on a little problem with that...
    I don't know about you guys but I can't move the header image yet...
    niether via the admin panel nor the CSS /// yet.

    I'll get it now now ...

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Shadow November 6th 2008, 2:50 pm

    Jalokim wrote:I've stumbled on a little problem with that...
    I don't know about you guys but I can't move the header image yet...
    niether via the admin panel nor the CSS /// yet.

    I'll get it now now ...

    it seems to be working fine for me blackeye

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 6th 2008, 2:50 pm

    Jalokim wrote:
    Kyouri wrote:I just got accustomed to tweaking the templates with phpBB2 (complete coding idiot, here), so will learning the CSS with Invision give me back the ability to add images in the header - navlinks - and in the category headers, and such? While I like the Invision version, it doesn't seem to be as user friendly as the phpBB versions.

    I hope you realize that the era of phpbb2 is slowly disappearing ? Its not worth investing knowledge into phpbb2 ... it gives you no freedom.
    I agree that the era is slowly disappearing, but the many things one can do with the ability to edit templates is vast. If we could edit templates with the other versions, it would be great. The only reason I stuck with phpBB2 was because of the template editing... again, I'm a noob at CSS, but suppose it's worth divesting my time into learning. And you almost make it sound like Forumotion may eventually give up on phpBB2 in the near future. :S If I could get my forum to look like your board, Jalokim, while using the Invision version, I'd be a happy little girl.

    No matter what happens, to keep with the topic of this thread, I'd like to have more ease of use with the Invision graphics through the admin panel instead of having to tweak the CSS. Other than that, I do like the layout of IPB better than phpBB.
    Cherry Blossom
    Cherry Blossom

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Cherry Blossom November 6th 2008, 2:59 pm

    I have been on jalokim's site and the topics are messed up they dont align properly Confused

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Jalokim November 6th 2008, 3:05 pm

    Cherry_Blossom_2 wrote:I have been on jalokim's site and the topics are messed up they dont align properly Confused
    how so??
    the topics are aligned like tehy are supposed to...

    Typlo I can't change the banner position... I reverted the CSS back to how it was and I changes the settings on my admin panel to center... but the banner still floats left...
    I have added a margin to set it at the center... more or less

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 6th 2008, 3:23 pm

    Jalokim wrote:
    Cherry_Blossom_2 wrote:I have been on jalokim's site and the topics are messed up they dont align properly Confused
    how so??
    the topics are aligned like tehy are supposed to...

    Typlo I can't change the banner position... I reverted the CSS back to how it was and I changes the settings on my admin panel to center... but the banner still floats left...
    I have added a margin to set it at the center... more or less

    I dont see your banner, unless the "premium styles" that is underlined is your banner?

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Jalokim November 6th 2008, 3:25 pm

    that would be it

    TYPLO ... there is a BIG bug on IPB ...

    you can't have an image navbar !!! ...
    I set the nav bar to only images and I added an image to the picture menu and they don't show up!!!!
    Doctor Inferno
    Doctor Inferno
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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Doctor Inferno November 6th 2008, 3:40 pm

    I don't think I will study the IPB css just yet.... who knows... it might change.
    Cherry Blossom
    Cherry Blossom

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Cherry Blossom November 6th 2008, 4:42 pm

    argh it was all funny when i was trying to read threads when i posted above i just went on to check and it looks normal now

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 6th 2008, 7:13 pm

    Jalokim wrote:
    Kyouri wrote:I just got accustomed to tweaking the templates with phpBB2 (complete coding idiot, here), so will learning the CSS with Invision give me back the ability to add images in the header - navlinks - and in the category headers, and such? While I like the Invision version, it doesn't seem to be as user friendly as the phpBB versions.

    I hope you realize that the era of phpbb2 is slowly disappearing ? Its not worth investing knowledge into phpbb2 ... it gives you no freedom.

    And why don't it? I am always finding more to do with it. and spend a couple credits and get template editing.... there is no end what you can do.

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 6th 2008, 7:23 pm

    Kilsek wrote:
    Jalokim wrote:
    Kyouri wrote:I just got accustomed to tweaking the templates with phpBB2 (complete coding idiot, here), so will learning the CSS with Invision give me back the ability to add images in the header - navlinks - and in the category headers, and such? While I like the Invision version, it doesn't seem to be as user friendly as the phpBB versions.

    I hope you realize that the era of phpbb2 is slowly disappearing ? Its not worth investing knowledge into phpbb2 ... it gives you no freedom.

    And why don't it? I am always finding more to do with it. and spend a couple credits and get template editing.... there is no end what you can do.

    What Kilsek said! When the former chatbox was working, I was able to put the chatbox on every page of the forum through the templates. Although that was debunked when the chatbox was 'modified' to a non-working state. How about some template editing with the other versions if phpBB2 is going to vanish?

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 6th 2008, 7:25 pm

    I have the chatbox working fine. I even have it in a drop down box and works fine!

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 1:58 pm

    Kilsek wrote:I have the chatbox working fine. I even have it in a drop down box and works fine!
    Its just the timeout that needs to be altered and the away function to be reinstated.
    How difficult is it to change timeout=5 to timeout =30?

    Last edited by couldbe86 on November 7th 2008, 1:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : to correct a missed letter)

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by zinex November 7th 2008, 2:15 pm

    Was this resolved rikacommet?

    I can move my logo to the center and get the description in the right place with a little bit of css. Let me know if you got it fixed.

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 2:18 pm

    That is the problem Z, we shouldn't have to mess with the CSS it have everything set like it should be

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by zinex November 7th 2008, 2:22 pm

    i have had invisonfree boards in the past and i seem to remember having to do little edits there too.

    All it took was adding:

    text-align: center

    to the site desc part of the css and then clicking to centre the logo in the admin panel. 2 minute job Smile

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Jalokim November 7th 2008, 2:57 pm

    Well I have examined most of the IPB CSS ... it is easier to modify than punBB and has pretty much the same mobility as punBB... so if someone has a great site done in punbb there isn't a need to convert your style to IPB...

    but there are people who just prefer teh look of IPB...
    Things that might worry members with little or no CSS knowledge :

    well there are 2 CSS's in the IPB CSS... the labels refer to these CSS's as the basic invision CSS and the other IPB CSS which is actually forumotion's version of the CSS...

    With 2 CSS's you have more mobility, you are able to change more things without the cost of other classes ... as is in phpbb3... to change the nav bar you also change the footer... Not in IPB... you can have a totally different nav and footer in IPB...

    Things are easy to find ... but you kinda need to know your way around CSS in general

    Well as mentioned, people with no or little CSS experiance will not know what to do... especially because the basic CSS is located near the bottom of the script... so inorder to change something perfectly you need to change the normal CSS...
    scroll down to the basic one to make any improvements...

    Unfortunatly ... forumotion has still not invested in category corners...
    **category corners give you these effects:

    but I have taken on a new way of making themes... its my secret recipe ... and I am able to create effects that are currently being used on my premiumstyles forum...
    for those interested ,this is not advertising btw...

    All in all ... the CSS is well done... much easier to work with. Phpbb3's CSS was really stiff and I had to bend many CSS rules to get the themes looking as they are... IPB will be my new theming platform.
    I'll upload a few demo themes to hitskin. PremiumStyles will now by default do IPB themes... more possibility and flexibility.

    I hope the image in the nav bar problem gets fixed... cos that limits me a bit.

    Nonetheless... summing up:

    N00bs ... practise on phpbb3 ... then move on to IPB
    those who know a trick or two with CSS... take IPB for a ride.

    lots of flexibility and access to more classes... well done.

    fixes... the banner positioning
    nav images
    and category corners...

    rating 9/10
    where punBB has 8/10
    phpbb 3 6/10 and phpbb2 4/10

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 5:02 pm

    Hey Jalokim that bug you mentioned about making the nav bar all images and then the images disappearing,

    Well they dont actually disappear, They shoot off screen because the CSS is needing corrected, It must be part of the HTML because the CSS itself looks alright however when i used a margin code one of the images appeared lmao

    When i figure out a CSS code that will bring them all back on screen and realigned to left, center and Right i will post the fix here



    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 5:31 pm

    Want to know what a REAL ipb css looks like?
    Now doesn't that look a lot different to the "ipb" one on here.
    I pluck the cherry
    I pluck the cherry

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by I pluck the cherry November 7th 2008, 5:33 pm

    what is "spoiler" mean wouldbe86?

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 5:48 pm

    couldbe86 wrote:Want to know what a REAL ipb css looks like?
    Now doesn't that look a lot different to the "ipb" one on here.

    No, it dont look like that!

    Your fooling us!

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 5:49 pm

    I pluck the cherry wrote:what is "spoiler" mean wouldbe86?
    Click on it and see.

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 6:03 pm

    At the end of the day, Doesn't matter what the real deal looks like, this is what the techs have come up with and this is the choices we have, Now i am still working on a couple of the fixes and will have it up soon Smile



    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 6:05 pm

    The real ipb should have a copyright at the bottom.
    The forumotion one is so obviously just an ipb style template or skin.
    Cherry Blossom
    Cherry Blossom

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Cherry Blossom November 7th 2008, 6:09 pm

    hahaha good job at outing them couldbe i already found out that phpbb css works on it too lmao