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    IPB -discussion, bug and all!

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by RikaComet November 6th 2008, 2:30 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    well here's what i have to ask- Is his IPB free version or forumotion has paid large sum for commercial license?

    the the bug- I noticed it inthe header ,if you set the header logo to be shown at center
    the forum description goes to a wrong position,

    then customisation-- hmm is a bit new so i need to evaluate it for a while before saying anything

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 6:09 pm

    I agree with you there Couldbe86,

    Its a great attempt though, Thankfully the CSS as already stated by Jalokim allows for much more flexibility and preference, I'm most definitely happy to have IPB from forumotion over phpbb2,phpbb3 or even punbb lmao


    Cherry Blossom
    Cherry Blossom

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Cherry Blossom November 7th 2008, 6:14 pm

    thats only coz u helped make it or at least thats what u told me

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 6:25 pm

    But isn't using invision as it is just a template against copyright and in direct breach of forumotion's own TOS?

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 6:48 pm

    Cherry_Blossom_2 wrote:hahaha good job at outing them couldbe i already found out that phpbb css works on it too lmao


    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 6:53 pm

    i dont have clue why forumotion brought another different forum when they haven't got the other ones right it's just crazy Shocked just show how crazy forumotion is.

    i dont want silly replys the facts are phpbb's are in a mess and adding other problems to it is only make thing worse.

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 7:09 pm

    spook wrote:i dont have clue why forumotion brought another different forum when they haven't got the other ones right it's just crazy Shocked just show how crazy forumotion is.

    i dont want silly replys the facts are phpbb's are in a mess and adding other problems to it is only make thing worse.
    Its not a new one its a template.

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Jalokim November 7th 2008, 7:14 pm

    couldbe86 wrote:The real ipb should have a copyright at the bottom.
    The forumotion one is so obviously just an ipb style template or skin.

    well I don't know about you... but copying the code straight from IPB wouldn't give me satisfaction...
    Forumotion is trying to be independant... trying to create there own codes bases on something that exists.

    I think that is more important that how its meant to be...
    If you want a real IPB board then go create your board on IPB, why are you wasting your time on forumotion?
    Honestly I prefer forumotions version of IPB... it is independant and the techies have control over it...

    they can remove that what is uneeded from the original code and add anything that they see fit. For me that is important ... and what if IPB gets a new update... and we copy it straight from them ... and it turns out the code is bust... then what?? we wait till IPB fix it... cos the techies won't know what they are dealing with...

    There is an old polish saying ...
    "if you don't do it yourself, no-one will do it the way you want it to be"

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 7:15 pm

    I fixed up the CSS in Invision last night (took me hours cause I had to learn CSS in the process) and when I was done, the forum looked really nice and clean (except for the nav images missing). I wake up this morning and everything is a total mess.. except now my nav images are showing up. It won't let me modify the CSS and I can't seem to upload images without my browser shutting down now. I love the look and feel of IPB, but I'm following spook on this one.. why not make sure the bugs are eradicated before giving us something that just messes up .. continuously? Preferably, give us template editing with ALL of the phpBB themes instead of just version 2, which you guys are apparently about to do away with.

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 7:15 pm

    couldbe86 wrote:Its not a new one its a template.

    i'm not bothered what it is, why couldn't they sorted out all the problems on the other forum before they started messing around with other forum, templates or whatever you want to call it.

    i think forumotion are making loyel members like me very mad because of there silly update & not finnishing off what they have started.

    if i was the owner of forumotion someone would be sacked over this mess.

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 7:19 pm

    Jalokim wrote:
    couldbe86 wrote:The real ipb should have a copyright at the bottom.
    The forumotion one is so obviously just an ipb style template or skin.

    well I don't know about you... but copying the code straight from IPB wouldn't give me satisfaction...
    Forumotion is trying to be independant... trying to create there own codes bases on something that exists.

    I think that is more important that how its meant to be...
    If you want a real IPB board then go create your board on IPB, why are you wasting your time on forumotion?
    Honestly I prefer forumotions version of IPB... it is independant and the techies have control over it...

    they can remove that what is uneeded from the original code and add anything that they see fit. For me that is important ... and what if IPB gets a new update... and we copy it straight from them ... and it turns out the code is bust... then what?? we wait till IPB fix it... cos the techies won't know what they are dealing with...

    There is an old polish saying ...
    "if you don't do it yourself, no-one will do it the way you want it to be"

    There is an old saying here too, use a copyrighted name and get screwed by one of the best legislative teams for software copyright breach.
    If Invision ever find out about you passing off inferior software as theirs forumotions pockets had better be pretty damn deep.
    I think forumotion is also in breach of the phpbb gpl as the new forum is based on phpbb therefore a copyright notice for phpbb should be at the bottom.

    Last edited by couldbe86 on November 7th 2008, 7:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Cherry Blossom
    Cherry Blossom

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Cherry Blossom November 7th 2008, 7:21 pm

    Kilsek wrote:
    Cherry_Blossom_2 wrote:hahaha good job at outing them couldbe i already found out that phpbb css works on it too lmao

    yeah i used phpbb3 codes jalokim wrote for a test site of mine and they worked perfectly

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 7:27 pm

    Cherry_Blossom_2 wrote:thats only coz u helped make it or at least thats what u told me

    so the techs are going on what the admins & moderators wants what about the bloody members want? Evil or Very Mad

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 7:29 pm

    spook wrote:
    Cherry_Blossom_2 wrote:thats only coz u helped make it or at least thats what u told me

    so the techs are going on what the admins & moderators wants what about the bloody members want? Evil or Very Mad
    We the members haven't counted in forumotions eyes for quite a while.

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Jalokim November 7th 2008, 7:33 pm

    couldbe86 wrote:

    There is an old saying here too, use a copyrighted name and get screwed by one of the best legislative teams for software copyright breach.
    If Invision ever find out about you passing off inferior software as theirs forumotions pockets had better be pretty damn deep.
    I think forumotion is also in breach of the phpbb gpl as the new forum is based on phpbb therefore a copyright notice for phpbb should be at the bottom.

    You are missing a few things couldbe...
    first forumotion bought out a completely legal copyright law for the IPB function... just the way it did for phpbb2, and 3 and punBB. But as you may or may not have noticed... forumotion doesn't run on a basis like other free forum providers...
    Forumotion is different.
    It has its own coding , and its own panel of technicians that made this service avalable in the first place... look at the admin panel... it is like no other (many other free forum providers have very similar panels)
    look at the CSS coding (it varies from all the otehr forum codings), thats why you can't import themes that can be downloaded from other sites.

    Forumotion is a stand alone free forum provider... all its coding is based on existing technology but it is adapted to forumotion forum code status. Forumotion wanted to be different... wanted soemthing new... not yet another free hosting service... it gives you features and things that are unthinkable on other sites...

    like database access... its not to keep you guys from moving in and out !! its for SECURITY ...
    Now I'm not a fan of this, but many forums go down because administrators play with the database data...

    Now forumotion is not a cheap rip off ... its more of a fusional ... an element that merges platforms, to give the clients the best of all worlds... this also answers spooks question.

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 7:38 pm

    Just out of curiosity... why has the black lettered group formerly known as Forumotion Technicians been removed from the legend here on the English boards?

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 7:39 pm

    like i said they should fix other problems before bring another forum in the games.

    i got dot's all over my forum, bad code in most places on my forum i got a dodgy looking log in bar the list goes on.

    Kyouri wrote:Just out of curiosity... why has the black lettered group formerly known as Forumotion Technicians been removed from the legend here on the English boards?

    because none of them understand english they only use the freach forums

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Jalokim November 7th 2008, 7:54 pm

    what I don't understand (leave aside the fact that some of you have been waiting 2 years) Is that due to technician shortages for about half a year counting from January, you have been informed of a completely new panel of technicians around June.
    Now they had to get used to everything and understand it all ... so you gave them the holidays to think about it... they worked hard, learning the code, and creating some updates around June, July ... come september/october they give you a new update... Ofcourse you batter the newbees with insults and complaints ...

    Now we knew, and you knew that the first set of updates where supposed to be maintainance updates and something to make up for the loss earlier.

    Later you were told that the techies will be making something for the users... the suggestions would be implemented... and yet you expected all of this right away. And even now, after the techies added a new platform, added the automatic activation that was a loud topic, and fixed matters with the DST, you all (well not all) are still complaining.

    Are you delibratly trying/forcing the techies to quit? maybe forumotion should stop tomorow... you all will lose everything you have made... everything... including staffy bull terrier, including GoD&D, and techweb and geekpolice and many many more ...

    You have been told that suggestions will be implemented... so is it that hard to wait the extra month or two? is it that painful to wait for the update you have been waiting for?

    I say we should just quite down... we know... the updates didn't satisfy you again... we know, the forum knows and so do the techies!! so can we stop this pointless discussion?
    It's time to take a tea break... by the new year, the techies have promised a suggestion to be forfilled... I'm placing my bet on the cash or karma/rep mod ... but give it time...
    please we are all adults ... or we are old enough to think logically here... just think its a new team of techies... and they are pressed by pressure all the time... maybe we should give them a break.... we have heard it ... not once.. not twice... we know they know we all know... now instead of discussing this topic to kingdom come... lets settle the nerves, grab a coffee, and hold out a few more months.
    Cherry Blossom
    Cherry Blossom

    Female Posts : 996
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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Cherry Blossom November 7th 2008, 8:26 pm

    not being funny but i don't give a damn if the are "newbies" or not they get paid to do a job

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Jalokim November 7th 2008, 8:35 pm


    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 8:35 pm

    You know Jalokim, enough with the pablum stop kissing up! I am not trying to be insultive, but remember you are still a newb here. We have been waiting for a real update-we have had 3 admin panels, updates with huge bugs, a chatbox that still isnt fixed, jesus must I go on?

    Jalokim, ask Typlo and the tech about the "last big Vote" where the skin selector won for to be added in an update, that was a year and a half ago. Time after time we have smoke blew up our a**es.

    The notepad is senseless.
    The new forum service although many like it is full of bugs.
    The time change thing is well useless.
    Automatic activation although danerous was wanted by some.
    The log in gizmo, well we already have the log in widget.
    The top 20 poster gizmo has spelling mistakes and no one can find it.

    Jalokim, I really want to make the forumotion lovers understand that we just want a real update. Not a bunch of trinkets but something that we can really use.

    You have been told that suggestions will be implemented... so is it that hard to wait the extra month or two? is it that painful to wait for the update you have been waiting for?

    I have been waiting 2 years!

    If I lose everything then that sucks. But as someone who has paid for features in the past and really wants to in the future to help support Forumotion, we as paying users deserve quality updates.

    Before you ban me remember I was just trying to get a point accross, if you or any other mod thinks I am being disrespectful, well then you ain't seen the dark side.

    Points of Users need to be taken into consideration, not just ignored. By not implementing real updates your aren't.

    I wanted to try and remain silent but I can't.

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by zinex November 7th 2008, 8:39 pm

    they are doing their job, just not good enough in your opinion. In my own opinion they most certainly are, i have doing coding with forums, my own forum is a paid one, that i added most things to myself and it takes time to implement new features without messing up current ones. Forumotion is heavily modified, i am sure in time there will be more updates focused at what members want/user updates. Do you really want to pressurise the tech team into rushing out modifcations that may then result in yet more bugs and glitchs?

    I know from experience also that sometimes its only when something is implemented that you come across little glitches that need smoothed over. Every update forumotion has had there have been small glitches that have for the most been sorted out.

    I have the strangest feeling though that i may as well save my fingers from typing...some of you seem hell bent on damning forumotion no matter what Smile
    Cherry Blossom
    Cherry Blossom

    Female Posts : 996
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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Cherry Blossom November 7th 2008, 8:41 pm

    Zinex not being funny but u stated in another thread that you dont use FM anymore so why are you here and why the hell are u staff?

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by zinex November 7th 2008, 8:46 pm

    oh i still use it, but not for my main forum. I have one small forum on forumotion that i have no big plans for. Why am i staff? when i joined forumotion i liked to help people, instead of being rude or whiney, and contributed a lot of tutorials which many members have appreciated. You were not a member when i was a global moderator, so perhaps you werent aware Smile
    Cherry Blossom
    Cherry Blossom

    Female Posts : 996
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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Cherry Blossom November 7th 2008, 8:50 pm

    I am rude because staff are rude, I am ill due to the stress this site and the staff cause and forumotion are usless I have put alot of work into my forums and i want something usefull.

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 8:51 pm

    zinex wrote:they are doing their job, just not good enough in your opinion. In my own opinion they most certainly are, i have doing coding with forums, my own forum is a paid one, that i added most things to myself and it takes time to implement new features without messing up current ones. Forumotion is heavily modified, i am sure in time there will be more updates focused at what members want/user updates. Do you really want to pressurise the tech team into rushing out modifcations that may then result in yet more bugs and glitchs?

    I know from experience also that sometimes its only when something is implemented that you come across little glitches that need smoothed over. Every update forumotion has had there have been small glitches that have for the most been sorted out.

    I have the strangest feeling though that i may as well save my fingers from typing...some of you seem hell bent on damning forumotion no matter what Smile

    If Forumotion wanted me to pay them a monthly fee that will insure no bugs quality updates etc, say the word.

    I am not saying the tech aren't working as they are coming out with you consider a update.

    Little glitches? You weren't around for the last update!

    They still haven't sorted out the Chatbox "glitches" that are more now then before they fixed it.

    Damning Fourmotion? Not but I thought Forumotion was the best and expect the best, and that includes updates.

    Zinex, i am glad your back. Going on like this with Caihlem was getting boring!

    Female Posts : 2804
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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by zinex November 7th 2008, 8:54 pm

    Cherry_Blossom_2 wrote:I am rude because staff are rude, I am ill due to the stress this site and the staff cause and forumotion are usless I have put alot of work into my forums and i want something usefull.

    Sorry to hear you are ill...ever consider that the staff are just people too, and perhaps YOU might be making them ill? If there is one thing i cant stand, its adults not being able to conduct themselves like one.

    Edit: oh i was kilsek, my whole site got messed up, it took ages to sort out. But it did get sorted out. Glad to be back Very Happy

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 9:01 pm

    Of course there are 'glitches' when things are thrown together. Glitches can be overlooked and dealt with.. in a timely manner. But I thought there was a Beta test for all these updates BEFORE they were released to us. Don't suppose anyone that ran the beta testing noticed all the flaws in the design?

    I agree that it's nice to see something more than a mere smooch on the forehead, and I agree, it's nice to know that they're coming out with something for the users.. when? It's not like we haven't been asking for someone to .. at the very least .. keep us properly informed about what to expect in upcoming updates. It's not like we expect to be glitch-free when something new is presented to us. What we DO expect the most is, communication and bug fixes by the TECHNICIANS.

    If a whole new staff of techies was hired a few months ago, couldn't there have been at least one with a modicum of an understanding of the English language in order to help subside some of the anger and maybe fix things on the English side, too? Yes, there will always be chronic belly-achers, but can you understand that when the majority of the comments FM is receiving are negative, then just perhaps the members may have a valid issue?

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    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Jalokim November 7th 2008, 9:07 pm

    You know Jalokim, enough with the pablum stop kissing up!
    I may be a n00b as staff but I started my first forumotion forum a little earlier than your D&D site.

    Kissing up or not ... don;t you get tired of posting the same words over and over...?
    posting here will not change anything ... we as staff can't do anything. And your moaning doesn't help, won't help and it just gets everybody else ina bad mood...
    sometimes you gotta draw the line ... we realise the faults so let us carry on with what we supposed to do... cos I bet we'll get another post like baltrock posted about the staff not solving things. ... thats because we are here making sure no flame war starts...

    this applies for all ... cherry, I know you are nice... so cut it... kilsek... we heard it... we know it... can we lock this thread?

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 9:07 pm

    Very well said!

    Kyouri wrote:Of course there are 'glitches' when things are thrown together. Glitches can be overlooked and dealt with.. in a timely manner. But I thought there was a Beta test for all these updates BEFORE they were released to us. Don't suppose anyone that ran the beta testing noticed all the flaws in the design?

    I agree that it's nice to see something more than a mere smooch on the forehead, and I agree, it's nice to know that they're coming out with something for the users.. when? It's not like we haven't been asking for someone to .. at the very least .. keep us properly informed about what to expect in upcoming updates. It's not like we expect to be glitch-free when something new is presented to us. What we DO expect the most is, communication and bug fixes by the TECHNICIANS.

    If a whole new staff of techies was hired a few months ago, couldn't there have been at least one with a modicum of an understanding of the English language in order to help subside some of the anger and maybe fix things on the English side, too? Yes, there will always be chronic belly-achers, but can you understand that when the majority of the comments FM is receiving are negative, then just perhaps the members may have a valid issue?

    IPB -discussion, bug and all! - Page 2 Empty Re: IPB -discussion, bug and all!

    Post by Guest November 7th 2008, 9:09 pm

    Jalokim wrote:can we lock this thread?

    There you go wanting to silence the users.

    That is getting real typical of FM

    Oh, I would say the same words over and over again, if the tech would give us an update we can use.