posting problems Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    posting problems

    New Member

    Posts : 1
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    Language : English

    posting problems Empty posting problems

    Post by aidensere07 31st March 2010, 23:44

    Hi im a noob so please go easy on me

    When i or my members want to post a topic the box were you type your post is white, also the text on there is white by default, so making it impossible to see what youve wrote unless you highlight it, what im wanting to know is how do i change it to a font colour that is visible and keep it like that for everyone

    thank you

    Male Posts : 19211
    Reputation : 1998
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    posting problems Empty Re: posting problems

    Post by Ape 1st April 2010, 01:33

    Hello Aidensere07
    Go to your administration panel then go to Display
    them take a look down the left hand side of your page look for **Pictures and Colors**
    click on Colors
    on the settings you should see a list like this

    Screen shot
    posting problems Untitl36
    change the settings i have marked
    If that don't work then it could be that your site has been set up with CSS code's

    if that is so then you may need to change the codes in there.
    it could help if we had a link to your site aswell Thanx.

    Hope that has helped you just a little bit
