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Award system

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Tutorial Award system

Post by Luky April 13th 2010, 11:00 pm

Award system

This topic will explain you what Award system is. How can it help you. And how to use it on your forum!

With the award system you can give special rewards(something like a badge) to loyal forum members!
Check out the screenshot below.
Award system 384811
I've shown 3 awards.
You can edit the way they're shown-with text or without text next to them and with a line separation or no.
If you want to have an award system just keep on reading this topic below and follow the simple steps!

1.Go in your ACP (Administrator control panel)
2.Click on the Users and Groups Tab.
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3.Click on Profiles Button.
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4.Click on the Green "Award system Ajouter" to add an award.
Award system 471310
5.Read from the screenshot below.
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Once this is done the next thing left to do is give the award to someone!
6.Find the user you want to give award from the place below.
Award system 542410
Once you find the desired username scroll down until you find the line with your award image and award name.
Do what is says on the picture and the user will have the award image right next to his name!
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Well once you're done with those simple steps you will have an award system working on your forum!
You can add as much awards(badges) as you want!
If you have any questions pm justaguy.


Male Posts : 6106
Reputation : 265
Language : Romanian, English
Location : Bucharest, Romania

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