what's the code to customize the quote/code color for phpbb3? Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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3 posters

    what's the code to customize the quote/code color for phpbb3?


    Male Posts : 519
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    Language : english
    Location : PH

    what's the code to customize the quote/code color for phpbb3? Empty what's the code to customize the quote/code color for phpbb3?

    Post by nimiel April 30th 2010, 11:34 am

    does anyone know it? :wouhou:

    Male Posts : 501
    Reputation : 2
    Language : English
    Location : Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

    what's the code to customize the quote/code color for phpbb3? Empty Re: what's the code to customize the quote/code color for phpbb3?

    Post by Tom2794 April 30th 2010, 1:18 pm

    It is in display, colours management in your ACP

    change it there.

    Male Posts : 48766
    Reputation : 2830
    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    what's the code to customize the quote/code color for phpbb3? Empty Re: what's the code to customize the quote/code color for phpbb3?

    Post by Sanket April 30th 2010, 6:04 pm

    Which color exactly do you want to change? Screenshots please.