Technical problem - only administrators allowed to post anywhere Hitskin_logo

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    Technical problem - only administrators allowed to post anywhere

    Renarion Arenimon
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    Solved Technical problem - only administrators allowed to post anywhere

    Post by Renarion Arenimon May 19th 2010, 6:53 pm

    Hello everyone,

    I have somewhat of a serious technical issue on my hands here. My forum at has recently been closed off due to a major re-purposing - it used to serve as a clan forum for a MMORPG but that idea has collapsed - and now I have re-opened as a private forum it but something unexpected came up.

    When any of our members try to post or open a topic, in any part of the forum, they get the message "Sorry, but only Administrators can reply to posts in this forum.". Both regular members and moderators get this error. I am currently the only one who can write anything (being the only admin). Imagine that! I have no idea what might be causing this, but will try to describe my past actions here. Something must have led to this.

    The only major things I've done is uploading new images for categories and icons, changing the forum adress, changing the names of some users (a simple change from ex. "Kingmaker222" to "Kingmaker") and that's mostly it. I don't know if this last one might be causing this error.
    I assure you that I have double-checked the categories & forums Permissions options. All the presets are set to Members, and the advanced options are also all OK. Only Guests shouldn't be able to view or post.

    What bothers me most is that I haven't been poking around the permissions since the last time everything worked - so I see no reason why everything shouldn't continue to work. Please someone help me, I have no where else to turn to.

    Male Posts : 48766
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    Location : Mumbai

    Solved Re: Technical problem - only administrators allowed to post anywhere

    Post by Sanket May 19th 2010, 6:56 pm

    Can you post a screenshot of the permission settings in the forum?
    Renarion Arenimon
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    Solved Re: Technical problem - only administrators allowed to post anywhere

    Post by Renarion Arenimon May 19th 2010, 7:00 pm

    Technical problem - only administrators allowed to post anywhere

    Uploaded with

    Male Posts : 48766
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    Solved Re: Technical problem - only administrators allowed to post anywhere

    Post by Sanket May 19th 2010, 7:04 pm

    Can you please provide me a test member account?
    Renarion Arenimon
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    Solved Re: Technical problem - only administrators allowed to post anywhere

    Post by Renarion Arenimon May 19th 2010, 7:05 pm

    Yes, send a registration request, I will confirm you immediately.

    edit: or if you want to use an existing account...? I can do that to. My friend won't mind.

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Solved Re: Technical problem - only administrators allowed to post anywhere

    Post by kirk May 19th 2010, 7:07 pm

    Renarion Arenimon wrote:Yes, send a registration request, I will confirm you immediately.

    edit: or if you want to use an existing account...? I can do that to. My friend won't mind.

    i think sanket means for you to set up a test account and send him the info so he can log in.
    Renarion Arenimon
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    Solved Re: Technical problem - only administrators allowed to post anywhere

    Post by Renarion Arenimon May 19th 2010, 7:08 pm

    Alright, I'll get on it. Give me a few minutes.

    Forgive me I didn't understand at first.
    Renarion Arenimon
    New Member

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    Solved Re: Technical problem - only administrators allowed to post anywhere

    Post by Renarion Arenimon May 19th 2010, 7:15 pm

    A dramatic turn of events has ocurred. The problem seems to be solved Exclamation

    I would like to thank Sanket for unintentionally solving it. You see, when he asked for a test account I went to create one only to learn that new member accounts have been disabled. Confused, I went to check the admin panel and saw that the "Forum on holiday" option was set to "Yes". Because of this all new accounts had been disabled and all permissions were overriden to match administrative rights.

    It's been a week now and it's over. I only wish I hadn't created a topic on this forum for such a non-sense. I apologize, I did not know that the forum on holiday option rises all permissions to admin. I thought it only prevented new registrations.

    Please mark this topic solved or remove it. Thanks anyway because if it weren't for you I wouldn't have figured it out so soon. And once again, sorry.

    Male Posts : 48766
    Reputation : 2830
    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    Solved Re: Technical problem - only administrators allowed to post anywhere

    Post by Sanket May 19th 2010, 7:21 pm

    Since this thread appears to be solved, I will lock this thread and mark it as solved.
    Technical problem - only administrators allowed to post anywhere 2j4t5a8

    Sanket Smile