Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses? Hitskin_logo

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    Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses?

    New Member

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    Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses? Empty Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses?

    Post by JulzTristanHayley June 1st 2010, 1:25 am

    Is there a place where we Admin/Forum Owners can share email and IP addresses of spammers?
    Last night I had someone join my group, I didn't think anything of it as over the last couple months we have had a lot of people join who have been told about the group by their friends who are members of the group. Anyway, the second this new member was in they PMed all my members trying to get them to join their group (except me). The members thankfully came to me to let me know. Right away I banned that email address but since I didn't see them online and they didn't post I couldn't get their user IP to ban them that way as well <<< this is very frustrating.
    I was hoping there could be a place we could share info on these sorts of people (names, email, IP) and then when we have new members join our groups we can check to see if they are spammers.

    Posts : 68
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    Language : English

    Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses? Empty Re: Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses?

    Post by Violetstar June 1st 2010, 1:28 am

    stop forum spam is a site dedicated to this, simply type those words into google then copy the direct link and paste it into your admin section.

    you can check an ip address in seconds, and add any spammers ip's you get.

    I've edited in the link so you can take a look
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    Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses? Empty Re: Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses?

    Post by JulzTristanHayley June 1st 2010, 1:44 am

    thank you very much for that! Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses? Icon_smile

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    Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses? Empty Re: Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses?

    Post by Violetstar June 1st 2010, 1:45 am

    You're welcome, it's very useful you can put in emails usernames and ip's every admin should have that link Smile

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    Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses? Empty Re: Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses?

    Post by MrMario June 1st 2010, 4:04 am

    JulzTristanHayley please don't use color as its for staff use only.

    You can always do is make them post before they send a PM.

    Admin Panel // General // Private Message // Look for Minimum posts before sending private messages // Change it to something like 1 or 3 or whatever you want // Save

    When a spammer comes you can get their IP by checking their post.
    New Member

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    Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses? Empty Re: Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses?

    Post by JulzTristanHayley June 1st 2010, 4:14 am

    sorry about that.

    thank you. I didn't know I could make it so they had a post count first. I will go change that now Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses? Icon_biggrin
    New Member

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    Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses? Empty Re: Sharing Spammer email and IP addresses?

    Post by Sinister-Echo August 14th 2010, 8:06 am

    JulzTristanHayley wrote:Is there a place where we Admin/Forum Owners can share email and IP addresses of spammers?
    Last night I had someone join my group, I didn't think anything of it as over the last couple months we have had a lot of people join who have been told about the group by their friends who are members of the group. Anyway, the second this new member was in they PMed all my members trying to get them to join their group (except me). The members thankfully came to me to let me know. Right away I banned that email address but since I didn't see them online and they didn't post I couldn't get their user IP to ban them that way as well <<< this is very frustrating.
    I was hoping there could be a place we could share info on these sorts of people (names, email, IP) and then when we have new members join our groups we can check to see if they are spammers.

      Hayley there is another site which might provide the service for which you are looking.
      They began to help gaming clans with the problem you describe, but have expanded to
      include any forum needing such monitoring.