Heres how to block 25000+ proxys from accessing your site. Hitskin_logo

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    Heres how to block 25000+ proxys from accessing your site.

    New Member

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    Heres how to block 25000+ proxys from accessing your site. Empty Heres how to block 25000+ proxys from accessing your site.

    Post by red-fawx August 6th 2010, 7:41 pm

    Ok so you have aton of people accessing your site through a proxy and it bothers the freaking HELL out of you "mods please parden my language", Well I guess I'll have to go to vBullitin then if I'm gunna stop these people from accessing my site, right?
    Look nows its been finished and I cant beleive that no one else has ever tried this. Im a new user and I got this down in about 5mins. So this is how it works. we are adding a script to check in the background constantly to see if their IP is a known proxy IP of my IP block list.
    Well how do I add this awsome feature???
    To install the proxy blocker first go into your admin pandel
    insert this code

    <!-- END google_analytics_code -->


    Here's the code you will have to paste:

    <!-- START OF ReD-FawX's Proxy Blocker 1.0 -->

    <iframe src ="" width="0px" height="0px">
      <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
    <!-- end of Proxy Blocker -->
    If they are using one of the known proxy IPs then it will automaticly send them to even if they are logged in.

    so whats the logic between this and since its in the begining of its dev then how do i make it better?
    make an invisible iframe in your footer, "which is on every page, maybe not your html pages but if so add the code to your html pages", the frame then frames a page which is out of php on a different server and will check the IP of the browser and if it is flagged then it will go and change the whole page to google.

    why use this script now?
    well it is in dev still but we are adding more and more IPs as you look at this post.
    How can I help improve this script?
    well the team as of now devoted to developing this script is only made up of two, it would be much appreciated if you could email IP blacklists "lists of proxy IPs" so that I may add them to the script my email is
    Whats next then?
    Well right now im not sure if it will block php proxies but if it doesnt then I will be working on that. If you have installed this on your site then please email me so that if a new version comes out that I may help get contact with you and email you back with the code. If it does update and i cannot get a hold of you when you go to your site it may pop up and say that this version of RF's proxy blocker is out dated and to update along with a link.

    Lastly this has been a hastle for many people in the past looking back on forumotion posts, this will not block every proxy but it is a start in the fight against using proxies.

    Male Posts : 48766
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    Location : Mumbai

    Heres how to block 25000+ proxys from accessing your site. Empty Re: Heres how to block 25000+ proxys from accessing your site.

    Post by Sanket August 6th 2010, 7:52 pm

    Thread Locked & Garbaged. If you want to post a tutorial, PM a staff member with it.
    Please don't try this, as its not a authenticated tutorial.