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3 posters

    Pokémon Nary

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    Pokémon Nary Empty Pokémon Nary

    Post by Artemis. August 16th 2010, 3:41 am

    Pokémon Nary

    Choice of Category: Games & RPG
    Language: English
    Forum's Purpose: An open-ended Pokémon RP fans to roleplay as trainers, breeders, and all the other people who populate the quirky continent of Southern Nary. Battle your way to Pokémon Master, collect an army of Igglybuff, decipher the mysterious ruins of Ryouken and Haneshi, take over the world (did we say that out loud? our bad); your fate or lack thereof is in your own hands!
    Link: http://nary.pokemonlegend.org/forum.htm





    Number of Users

    Originally Founded
    Early 2000s

    Nary Unique Pokedex
    13 and growing


    *NEW* Nary Awesome Points
    Members now receive bonus points from making threads and posting IC, along with helping to bump our main ad. These will be used at the prize shop, coming soon!

    Character Creativity
    Restrictions are minimal, as long as you are an original human character or a wild pokemon, you should be good!

    Freeform Basis
    There is no predetermined story arc you'll be railroaded along. Plots, character development, et cetera are all put in play by the members themselves.

    Evolving Content
    The Narydex is far from complete - submit your own ideas for a Narymon!
    Every wish you could be the bad guy - why be bad when you can be bad*dest*. Start your own criminal gang, or stir up a vigilante force to stop those dastardly devils.
    New locations are discovered all the time - did *you* ever see that haunted castle before? And don't forget, this is just Southern Nary. Did you think they'd call it that if there wasn't a Northern Nary as well?

    Silly Seriousness
    Giant pirate ship (with working cannons!). Assassins. Escaped mutant legendary clones. Mystical temples. An iron city in the sky.
    It's not crack, but it's definitely a heck of a fun ride.

    Epic Parties
    Nary knows how to throw a giant bash. AND HOW!


    News, Events, Guides, Logs & Journals

    Out of Character
    Chat, Art, Suggestion Box, Adverts, Game Corner

    Safari Zone, Underground, Beyond

    Main Areas
    Lab, PokeCenter, PokeMart, Breeding, Trading, Golden Stadiums

    Off the Beaten Path
    Routes One-Eight, Nineteen, & Twenty

    Marsh, Belle, Mauve, Rike, Onitaco, Mobious, Soniku, Alubay

    Pokémon Nary Naryaff

    Last edited by Artemis. on September 10th 2010, 10:24 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : updating stats; updating new update)
    New Member

    Male Posts : 10
    Reputation : 1
    Language : Dutch

    Pokémon Nary Empty Re: Pokémon Nary

    Post by Oussi June 15th 2013, 7:08 pm

    Thats Nice

    Male Posts : 51548
    Reputation : 3519
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    Pokémon Nary Empty Re: Pokémon Nary

    Post by SLGray March 19th 2019, 6:51 pm

    Since the link does not work, this topic will be sent to the garbage.

    Pokémon Nary Slgray10

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