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2 posters

    pokemon ranks


    Male Posts : 686
    Reputation : 3
    Language : English

    pokemon ranks Empty pokemon ranks

    Post by paint June 22nd 2008, 4:55 am

    I need pokemon ranks- like for example pokeballs and the blinking ones are the ranks, or maybe pokemon actual pokemon ranks- or something to do with pokemon.

    Male Posts : 764
    Reputation : 19
    Language : german,english
    Location : Bavaria/ Please don't send me your requests by pm!

    pokemon ranks Empty Re: pokemon ranks

    Post by hellboy999 June 22nd 2008, 9:32 am

    please fill out the graphic comannder so we get more information Wink

    [color=darkred][b]Nature of the creation :[/b][/color] YOUR INFOS HERE
    [color=darkred][b]Creation size (in pixels) :[/b][/color] YOUR INFOS HERE
    [color=darkred][b]With or without animation :[/b][/color] YOUR INFOS HERE (precise the kind of animation you want)
    [color=darkred][b]Background color :[/b][/color] YOUR INFOS HERE
    [color=darkred][b]Picture(s) link(s) :[/b][/color] YOUR INFOS HERE
    [color=darkred][b]Text to insert :[/b][/color] YOUR INFOS HERE
    [color=darkred][b]Link to the font to download :[/b][/color] YOUR INFOS HERE
    [color=darkred][b]Font color :[/b][/color] YOUR INFOS HERE
    [color=darkred][b]Link of my niceboard forum :[/b][/color] YOUR INFOS HERE
    [color=darkred][b]Extra comments :[/b][/color] YOUR INFOS HERE

    Male Posts : 686
    Reputation : 3
    Language : English

    pokemon ranks Empty Re: pokemon ranks

    Post by paint June 22nd 2008, 4:21 pm

    Nature of the creation : Pokemon Based Ranks
    Creation size (in pixels) : Rank Size (For Forums Profile/Posting)
    With or without animation : Maybe- Like pokeball blinking meaning like 5 out of 10, or...
    Background color : transparent
    Picture(s) link(s) : http://kirby.classicgaming.gamespy.com/games/smashbros/images/pokeball.gif
    Text to insert :

    Stars= Pokeballs, or whatever it will be pokemon based.
    Administrator (full 7 stars)
    Pokemon Developer (full 7 stars)
    Team Leader (full 7 stars)
    Moderator (full 7 stars)
    Banned (0 Stars Make it different then newbie.)
    Newbie (0 Stars- Like https://2img.net/i/itest/ranks/default/default1.gif )
    Trainer (1 Star)
    Pokemon Lover (2 Stars)
    Pokemon Ranger (3 Stars)
    Pokemon Tamer (4 Stars)
    Pokemon Elite (5 Stars)
    Pokemon Master (6 Stars)
    Pokemon ? Elite (Full 7 Stars)
    (What should last rank be?)

    Extra comments : The ranks have to fit below the avatar, when posting. But not too small that you can't read it.

    Last edited by paint on June 22nd 2008, 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 764
    Reputation : 19
    Language : german,english
    Location : Bavaria/ Please don't send me your requests by pm!

    pokemon ranks Empty Re: pokemon ranks

    Post by hellboy999 June 22nd 2008, 4:33 pm

    do you mean something like this?
    pokemon ranks Poke

    Male Posts : 686
    Reputation : 3
    Language : English

    pokemon ranks Empty Re: pokemon ranks

    Post by paint June 22nd 2008, 4:47 pm

    It can be like that, but it has to be blinking the center button, like this much blinking is 3 out of 7, for example. But I have a lot of pokeballs for forum images, etc. What else could be used?