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    3rd party affiliate programs

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    3rd party affiliate programs Empty 3rd party affiliate programs

    Post by adguy October 10th 2010, 11:11 am


    I have 2 queries regarding the above and I really hope someone would be kind enough to point me in the right directions.

    I have a Vietnamese music forum at http://learnvietthrumusic.forumotion.net

    Question 1: Does this forum support ads from 3rd party affiliate programs? If so, how do I go about adding an advertising banner on my forum.

    Question 2: Am I able to work with Google Adsense? It tells me that my language is not supported. Is this an automated response from Google? What if I convert all Vietnamese test to an image instead?

    Please help this technically un-gifted newbie.

    Thanks so much in advance

    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    3rd party affiliate programs Empty Re: 3rd party affiliate programs

    Post by MrMario October 10th 2010, 6:34 pm

    1. You can
    2. Not sure what you are talking about.