Affiliated Programs questions? Hitskin_logo

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    Affiliated Programs questions?


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    Affiliated Programs questions? Empty Affiliated Programs questions?

    Post by Dana July 23rd 2008, 11:09 pm

    I would like to add some affliates. I know how to get affliates on my portal. When i go and type the links in it moves everything that is on my portal to the right. How can i add links with out things moving from where they are?

    My other question is: I want to set up a program where they can sign up to be an affilliate. Does anyone know some programs out there that i can use? I have seen some but I don't want to make any money on them. And so far those are the only kind that i have seen. if anyone knows of any that are free that would be great.

    When i get the program set up i don't know if it would be better to have it on my portal or on my home page at the top by the other navigations for the site. thanks in advance to whoever can help...
    Dot Com
    Dot Com

    Male Posts : 414
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    Location : United States

    Affiliated Programs questions? Empty Re: Affiliated Programs questions?

    Post by Dot Com July 24th 2008, 7:05 am

    Question 1: Separate each affiliate by this...

    Question 2: You can make free forms for your forum by using this tutorial. Here