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Chatties Empty Chatties

Post by ThomasCo January 17th 2011, 1:29 am


Choice of Category: Miscellaneous
Language: English
Forum's Purpose: To chat and meet new people discussing anything.

Administrators: Thomas
Global Moderators: Jordan, Niall., Stacey

* Introduction
- See The Members (Member picture sub-forum)

*General Discussion
- (sub-forums) -Serious Debates, Media and News & Celebrity Lifestyles


*Forum Games
-Arcade Style Games (sub-forum)

*TV Chat
-Soaps -(sub-forum)
* The X Factor
*Dancing On Ice
*Big Brother
*Britain's Got Talent




*Creative Musings

*Forum Announcements & Help Desk

*Admin and Moderators forum (viewable not to members)


Posts : 1334 Posts per day : 141.53
Number of topics : 143 Topics per day : 15.17
Number of users : 36 Users per day : 3.82
Forum started : Fri 7 Jan 2011 - 14:01 Number of activity points : 1987

Forum Overview:General Discussion forum covering everything and anything.

Additional: A friendly forum to chat about anything. Is only small, but not been running long and looking to get new members to join in on conversation. You can start a topic on anything in General Discussion. Includes a chat room which is viewable and usable to members only. Has scrolling news widgets at the side, gallery preview, calender, search and many more options.

Image screen-shot. Please note had to re-size so rather blurry and not aligned correctly, but you get the idea of the image:

Chatties Forum1medium
Chatties Forum2medium
Chatties Forum3medium

Visit the link to see the full and clear version, and to sign up. Thanks for reading Smile Thomas x


Posts : 48
Reputation : 0
Language : English

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Chatties Empty Re: Chatties

Post by ThomasCo January 23rd 2011, 12:31 am

Hello everyone,

Would be great to see some new users just to chat to.

We have a very friendly bunch.

The forum isn't viewable until you sign up. You will only see the Guest forum, but registration only takes seconds and you activate yourself so no waiting around.

Post in the Guest forum if you like as you don't have to register to do that and just see how you feel.

Thomas. Smile x

Posts : 48
Reputation : 0
Language : English

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Chatties Empty Re: Chatties

Post by ThomasCo January 23rd 2011, 11:59 pm

I've changed the settings so guests can see the whole forum.

Also as a guest you can post in trhe guest forum, but not the tohers until you sign up.

Because we're new it would be great to have another admin as I can't be around all the time to deal with different things that mods can't.

If you're interested in becoming an admin/mod then sign up and after contribution to the forum (being helpful, engaging in conversation) I will see about making you an admin/mod.

Thanks. Smile

Posts : 48
Reputation : 0
Language : English

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Chatties Empty Re: Chatties

Post by ThomasCo January 30th 2011, 11:26 pm

Had some lovely new members so thank you for joining if you got the link from here.

The more the merrier.

Be lovely to speak to you all.

Thomas Very Happy

Posts : 48
Reputation : 0
Language : English

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Chatties Empty Re: Chatties

Post by ThomasCo February 6th 2011, 3:35 pm

Thanks to the new members who have signed up.

The more the merrier.

Look forward to chatting to more of you soon. Mr. Green

Posts : 48
Reputation : 0
Language : English

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Chatties Empty Re: Chatties

Post by ThomasCo February 6th 2011, 3:49 pm

Some minor changes.

Logo change and heading icon changes:

Chatties Newchat

Very Happy

Posts : 48
Reputation : 0
Language : English

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Chatties Empty Re: Chatties

Post by Jophy February 7th 2011, 10:56 am

You are only allowed to bump your presentation every 24 hours, please don't exceed within the limit or else your presentation will be garbaged.

Male Posts : 17922
Reputation : 836
Language : English
Location : Somewhere

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Chatties Empty Re: Chatties

Post by ThomasCo October 19th 2011, 2:25 pm

Hello, would be nice to see some new faces around.


Posts : 48
Reputation : 0
Language : English

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Chatties Empty Re: Chatties

Post by Jophy October 20th 2011, 12:45 am

We aren't allowing members to bump their presentation topic unless you have an update to be posted here, please read the guidelines of this section first before bumping or posting.

Male Posts : 17922
Reputation : 836
Language : English
Location : Somewhere

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Chatties Empty Re: Chatties

Post by kiltboy4u March 22nd 2012, 11:16 pm

hi all, looking for some new members for my forum, or even some feedback!

here it is, thanks!

Edit kirk
Link removed, post like this are considered spam and advertising your forum.
All forum promotions are to be done on the forum promotions board only.
New Member

Posts : 8
Reputation : 1
Language : english

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