TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums Hitskin_logo

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    TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums


    Male Posts : 667
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    TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums Empty TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums

    Post by Brad38 Fri Feb 25 2011, 22:35

    I would like to make a plea to those of us who are OVER 25, who are very serious about our forums and just want equal consideration from our suggestions and posts!

    I realize that this is free forum hosting site that has quite a few younger members, but I would like to address those of us who are a little older, wiser and more experienced with forums and know what we are looking for.

    One thing for sure is that Forumotion is neglecting certain aspects of their basic coding and with that, we all have to experience some unpleasant after effects and problems with each new update. This is because of the outdated and antiquated phpBB2 coding on their servers. THIS NEEDS TO BE UPDATED AND MODERNIZED NOW! Without doing so, we all risk the same problems most of us experience each time a new update is launched. You have to start from the ground up and build on that, rather than building a house of cards on an already shaky foundation! If these updates are not done, the problems will continue and forum outages will be the norm here each and every time.

    I would also like to ask those of us who are a little older, more experienced to share your feelings and opinions a bit more here. If we are not heard, then things will never change. Don't be afraid to speak up, even if it sounds negative. I do realize & understand that the technicians try VERY hard to make positive and important updates for everyone, but is it really working for all of us? Are these updates what everyone wants? What about the members who pay for their forums, do we not get a say?

    I've suggested so many things over nearly 3 years and with lots of positive feedback from others, but not ONCE have any of my suggestions been accepted or made into working features! Besides this though, we need to have the admins make our forums as stable as possible FIRST and then work on updates from there.

    I'm looking forward to hearing, reading and listening to your feedback, we can't be the only ones that are thinking the things that myself and others are! Smile

    Master Marc
    Master Marc

    Male Posts : 3661
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    TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums Empty Re: TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums

    Post by Master Marc Fri Feb 25 2011, 23:31

    Brad38 wrote:I would like to make a plea to those of us who are OVER 25, who are very serious about our forums and just want equal consideration from our suggestions and posts!
    Okay, so if you're under the age of "25 years" , you're not serious about your forum or website, correct? Rolling Eyes

    Brad38 wrote:I would also like to ask those of us who are a little older, more experienced to share your feelings and opinions a bit more here
    Again! So, we have to be "old" to have experience.. Rolling Eyes

    Brad38 wrote:What about the members who pay for their forums, do we not get a say?
    And members don't "pay" for their forums. Forums are FREE to create. ( buying a TLD is not paying to have a forum hosted by ForuMotion )


    Male Posts : 667
    Reputation : 32
    Language : english

    TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums Empty Re: TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums

    Post by Brad38 Fri Feb 25 2011, 23:38

    Master Marc wrote:
    Okay, so if you're under the age of "25 years" , you're not serious about your forum or website, correct? Rolling Eyes

    It's been my experience that those of a certain age grouping are much less serious about their forums...yes.

    Master Marc wrote:
    Again! So, we have to be "old" to have experience.. Rolling Eyes

    I never said that, all I suggested was that older people have a little more understanding and experience with life AND forums. It's just completely understandable since we are older and have had more general life experience. Wink

    Master Marc wrote:
    And members don't "pay" for their forums. Forums are FREE to create. ( buying a TLD is not paying to have a forum hosted by ForuMotion )

    Some of us DO pay for extra features and functions and expect a better level of service. If you cannot afford to pay for extras on your forum, then that isn't my fault or concern.
    Master Marc
    Master Marc

    Male Posts : 3661
    Reputation : 47
    Language : English and Spanish.

    TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums Empty Re: TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums

    Post by Master Marc Sat Feb 26 2011, 00:27

    Brad38 wrote:Some of us DO pay for extra features and functions and expect a better level of service.
    You're paying for extra features, not better services. If you want better services, then purchase hosting from a web hosting company.

    After doing that, you'll be able to use your own forum script and manage your website yourself.

    Brad38 wrote:If you cannot afford to pay for extras on your forum, then that isn't my fault or concern.
    ForuMotion is the perfect forum host for people that can't afford paying monthly/yearly web hosting bills.

    And, it should stay that way, Wink Every forum is an equal.

    Male Posts : 667
    Reputation : 32
    Language : english

    TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums Empty Re: TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums

    Post by Brad38 Sat Feb 26 2011, 00:40

    Master Marc wrote:
    You're paying for extra features, not better services. If you want better services, then purchase hosting from a web hosting company.

    Not true at all! Even those who pay for their own domain are no better off when it comes to down times or glitches when new updates are installed. In fact, I've read numerous stories where those with personal domains from Forumotion are hit just as badly or WORSE than then rest of us. If you are talking about a totally different forum host, then this isn't what I'm suggesting either. There are pros and cons with every decision, but many hosts are trying to update their services from the ground up and are NOT tying to build upon substandard architecture. I've already mentioned my ideas about improving Forumotion's bottom line through a tiered was GARBAGED. I guess they don't want to collect any extra income or hear about any progressive ideas and/or PAYING MEMBERS!

    Master Marc wrote:
    ForuMotion is the perfect forum host for people that can't afford paying monthly/yearly web hosting bills.

    And, it should stay that way, Wink Every forum is an equal.

    Good luck to you and you keep believing that. You will eventually see a change and shift from totally free, to pay-as-go services on the net. Everything cannot remain free, totally and forever! Those of us who wish to pay for extras and do, should be entitled to the same worthiness as anyone who pays absolutely NOTHING for their "Free Forum" Truthfully, we should be listened to MORE!
    Master Marc
    Master Marc

    Male Posts : 3661
    Reputation : 47
    Language : English and Spanish.

    TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums Empty Re: TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums

    Post by Master Marc Sat Feb 26 2011, 01:00

    Brad38 wrote:Not true at all! Even those who pay for their own domain are no better off when it comes to down times or glitches when new updates are installed. In fact, I've read numerous stories where those with personal domains from Forumotion are hit just as badly or WORSE than then rest of us. If you are talking about a totally different forum host, then this isn't what I'm suggesting either. There are pros and cons with every decision, but many hosts are trying to update their services from the ground up and are NOT tying to build upon substandard architecture. I've already mentioned my ideas about improving Forumotion's bottom line through a tiered was GARBAGED. I guess they don't want to collect any extra income or hear about any progressive ideas and/or PAYING MEMBERS!
    Buying a domain is not paying for hosting. It's your decision to buy an over priced TLD through ForuMotion.

    You can go to GoDaddy or NameCheap to purchase your own domain and point it to ForuMotion's nameservers.

    Brad38 wrote:Good luck to you and you keep believing that. You will eventually see a change and shift from totally free, to pay-as-go services on the net. Everything cannot remain free, totally and forever! Those of us who wish to pay for extras and do, should be entitled to the same worthiness as anyone who pays absolutely NOTHING for their "Free Forum" Truthfully, we should be listened to MORE!
    I'm not comparing it to paid web hosting. ForuMotion is the best free forum host you'll find these days.

    ( let's face it,, 2nd best free forum hosting company, can't compete with FM )

    I don't use ForuMotion to host my forum ( I have about 2, 000+ credits laying around on my test board ) . I have my own VPS, Wink

    Male Posts : 667
    Reputation : 32
    Language : english

    TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums Empty Re: TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums

    Post by Brad38 Sat Feb 26 2011, 01:06

    Obviously. I'm banging my head against a brick wall, with YOU! This is fine and you are entitled to your own beliefs and opinions. I will not argue the point with you any further, it's going NOWHERE.

    Hopefully, we will hear from other mature members who aren't afraid to voice their opinions. Smile

    Calling all 25 yr olds +...chime in on the conversation. Very Happy
    Active Poster

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    TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums Empty Re: TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums

    Post by Tilum Sat Feb 26 2011, 01:53

    I see you've managed to pick a sensitive subject. Correct me if I'm wrong, are you saying that because you are older, you have more experience in foruming and in general skills. I would agree with general skills - but me, being 20, trump your "3 years" of foruming. 10 staff on this forum are under the age of 25. Heck, even Caihlem is under your so called 'mature age'. That's another thing, you have put a specific age on how old you have to be to have a valid opinion. With that, you think that you should be preferential treatment because of it?
    I understand where you're coming from, i really do, but you have been unnecessarily slanderous to the younger generation, who, on the whole are more computer literate.
    If you want older generations to speak up, then so be it, but don't come here and expect to tell everyone where their place is in society because you are over 25.
    To illustate this, look at this post you made, you may call it experience, I would call it damn right ignorance and immaturity.

    ~ Tilum

    Male Posts : 667
    Reputation : 32
    Language : english

    TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums Empty Re: TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums

    Post by Brad38 Sat Feb 26 2011, 02:10

    Hello Tilum and thanks for responding! Smile

    I do believe that experience comes from "foruming'. Especially if you were once a moderator or admin on a highly popular forum with longevity...which I was once before. I was a moderator on a forum for 2 years and a regular member on said forum for nearly 6 before starting my own.

    I learned a lot of lessons from those experiences and I've seen so many members on 'said' forum come and go...usually because they were banned or removed for their immature behaviour over the long term.

    I am calling out to the older generation(s) with this post and I know I'm not perfect either.

    That post you brought forward of mine was surely childish, but also understand it was my frustrations that got the better of me, at that time! Wink

    Good response by you, I totally respect your input and feelings as well! Very Happy

    Male Posts : 11853
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    TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums Empty Re: TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums

    Post by Darren1 Sat Feb 26 2011, 02:49


    Me being merely 18 (19 in March) kinda indicates more than you think.
    As much as I agree with Tim about the age limit of "responsibility", I'm going to make a comment, none the less tongue
    But first; I happen to know someone whom is 30 yrs of age, and it just as responsible as a well, 8 yr old.... I know you see my point here Wink

    As much as I agree with you about removing PHPBB2, or updating it's coding, it will never happen.
    It's not because PHPBB2's base coding is what our forums are based on, or it's popularity.
    It's because it's what the techs know best; besides the fact, how does PunBB have templates?
    That's right - From PHPBB2 ! Shocked

    Guess how IPB is one day going to have templates? PHPBB2 Shocked

    FM uses SITU Coding, which basically means, Ill create my own work, but base it off of yours, that being directed to last decade's PHPBB2.

    All of our updates ARE tested, believe it or not (Yes, I was shocked by that myself!) in offline forums - but there is NO LIVE (Online) testing preformed - Thus being a massive coding difference.

    The reason for our forums crashing continuously from updates is not because of the outdated coding, but post-update tweeks, and the techs changing templates that we cannot access.

    It's no shire secret that the majority of our updates come from our mother forum, (French forum), being that, FM/FA/E-T is actually a French company Rolling Eyes

    Yes, Ive had my fair share of bad experiences, but now, I know how to avoid it, and the best way to prep myself, and my members.
    No, not telling them that were getting an update, but that were possibly going to have some downtime in the near future, and Ill let you know more when I know more.
    But after a while, u learn more than you should know too, and one of them is our DataBase loove

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    TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums Empty Re: TO THOSE OVER 25, looking for more innovative updates and stability on our forums

    Post by MrMario Sat Feb 26 2011, 02:58

    Wow I'm really not happy about this topic at all! Firstly, you are the one who picked Forumotion. If you want a host that has better security, more features and want to control your forum buy your own hosting. Just because someone under the age of "25" doesn't mean they have experience. I could be 13 and I know more about forums or a subject then a 30 year old. Secondly, when I checked all services, products or whatever has problems. Nothing is perfect. Even if you move to another host or company you are going to have problems down the line. It may be bad problems or it could be a small problems. This being said, I shall not see another topic like this ever!

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