Future updates : Innovative features on schedule! Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    Future updates : Innovative features on schedule!


    Male Posts : 16217
    Reputation : 1832
    Language : French, English

    Future updates : Innovative features on schedule! Empty Future updates : Innovative features on schedule!

    Post by Shadow October 27th 2008, 4:26 pm


    As we are doing continuous efforts to offer you a quality and innovative service, several updates have been scheduled for the next months, and are being developed as i'm posting this message.
    The first update, that will now be launched within a matter of days, will be the first of a long list of updates to ameliorate efficiently our service, and your forums.

    These updates will bring innovative and breakthrough features to your forums, as you have asked us in your suggestions, and will allow you to satisfy fully your users and communities.
    All the features will be announced and detailed a few days before the final launch, just the time for us to finalise the beta tests!

    Stay tuned for some news loove

    Best regards,
    Forumotion staff.

    Male Posts : 16217
    Reputation : 1832
    Language : French, English

    Future updates : Innovative features on schedule! Empty Future update: tests in progress

    Post by Shadow October 30th 2008, 12:11 pm


    Just to notice you that the development process is over, and we are now doing some final tests before the upcoming update.
    Another announcement will be done promptly when the beta tests are over and the update launch imminent.

    Best regards,
    Forumotion staff.