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    New user groups

    New Member

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    Solved New user groups

    Post by SkaTE™ April 11th 2011, 4:23 am

    Okay so I made this site for a gaming clan, okay now when someone registers and activates it they can see all the forums. I want it so that when they register and activate it that they can only see some of the forums I have Made a new user group calld "applicants" (because they are applying for the clan) so can anyone help me please!!!

    Male Posts : 2265
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    Language : English
    Location : UK

    Solved Re: New user groups

    Post by LGforum April 11th 2011, 4:39 am

    two ways, either modify the rights of the group so they can't see the certain forums you dont want them too. Or go into the general> forums and categories bit, and edit the permissions of all the forums you don't want that group to see.
    New Member

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    Language : English

    Solved Re: New user groups

    Post by SkaTE™ April 11th 2011, 7:23 am

    kay but how do I make it so they start out as "applicant" when they first register so that they cant see them then once they get accepted then I change them to a different group. and how do I edit there rights?
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    Solved Re: New user groups

    Post by !_NICK_! April 11th 2011, 8:30 am

    You will have to create a new group and fix all that the way you want it, but make sure you put auto subscribe. Hope that helps.
    New Member

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    Solved Re: New user groups

    Post by SkaTE™ April 11th 2011, 8:40 am

    okay I figured something that will work ::Solved::
    New Member

    Posts : 9
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    Language : English

    Solved Re: New user groups

    Post by SkaTE™ April 11th 2011, 8:43 am

    sorry for the double post but I clicked edit and it wouldn't let me hit the solved button.

    Male Posts : 10386
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    Location : United Kingdom, England

    Solved Re: New user groups

    Post by Base April 11th 2011, 10:07 am

    You need to edit the first post to select the solved button. Posting consecutively is not allowed unless separated within 24 hours. In future, please use the edit button. Wink

    >> Locked and solved.