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Deleting Shadow topic deletes both copies

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Deleting Shadow topic deletes both copies Empty Deleting Shadow topic deletes both copies

Post by jaebaeli December 3rd 2007, 18:12

i noticed that when i move a topic and leave it as a shadow, if i go back and delete the original, it also deletes the copy of it where i moved it.
is there a way to avoid this? how do i get back the deleted topic (if i can)?

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Deleting Shadow topic deletes both copies Empty Re: Deleting Shadow topic deletes both copies

Post by Luky December 3rd 2007, 18:28

I don't think that you can avoid the deleting the original and I am not sure that you can get back the topics you deleted but if you can, it will most likely be throw the back-up of your forum but that could also delete the posts that were made after the back-up.

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