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Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ?

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hide - Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ? Empty Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ?

Post by ave20 Wed 20 Jul - 21:18


Listen, is there any way to add a custom "hide" tag to dont show some part of the text inside the post for unregistered users ?
I mean, some part of content of the post is visualable for all, but ony after registration users will see WHOLE post ?

Is there any way to do such a thing ? I really, really need it...My forum use PunBB.
Take care

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hide - Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ? Empty Re: Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ?

Post by Sanket Thu 21 Jul - 12:21

Well not really, but you can hide links & images. Will that work?

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hide - Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ? Empty Re: Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ?

Post by ave20 Fri 22 Jul - 1:41

Sanket wrote:Well not really, but you can hide links & images. Will that work?
And what with text ? We cant hide text at all ? Only links and images from post ?

How can I use that "hide" option for links and img's?

Thx for Your answer
Take care

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hide - Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ? Empty Re: Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ?

Post by ArChKnIgHt Fri 22 Jul - 4:33


to hide images and links follow these steps

Go To ACP >> GENERAL >> Forum >> Categories and forums >> Click On This Icon hide - Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ? Perms Near The Forum That You Want To Hide Image And Links In....

See images in the messages : "Make It Members, Administrators, Moderators.. etc"

See Links in the messages : "Make It Members, Administrators, Moderators.. etc"

BTW : You Can write The Text You Want To Hide On Image

Hope That Help, ArChKnIgHt

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hide - Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ? Empty Re: Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ?

Post by ave20 Fri 22 Jul - 15:59

Ok, thx for Your reply ArChKnIgHt Smile But, can someone create a custom code to add the "hide" "/hide" tages where the " are [] ?
I can pay if it is necessary...I really need it Smile

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hide - Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ? Empty Re: Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ?

Post by Mystic_gohan2 Fri 22 Jul - 17:14

well you can use
but it will be only visible to users when they reply to the topic .

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hide - Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ? Empty Re: Is there any "/hide" tad which work on unregistered users ?

Post by ave20 Fri 22 Jul - 18:25

Mystic_gohan2 wrote:well you can use
but it will be only visible to users when they reply to the topic .
Oh, ok, so we have a "base" - can he mode this hide engine to hide the part of post not for reply, but for registration ?

Posts : 108
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Language : Polski

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