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How to make a good suggestion

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Important How to make a good suggestion

Post by Forumotion Bot July 26th 2011, 3:31 am


In this forum, you will be able to express yourself and to give ideas to make your forum(s) better. Here is some advice in posting good suggestions.

Proposition of a suggestion

- Your suggestion must be detailed. Clearly explain why your suggestion is interesting to us. Please note that this section is only for suggestions for your forum. The suggestions for the support forum are located here. Don't forget to use an explicit title. Smile

- Please do a search before posting to see if a topic with the same or similar suggestion exists already.

- You must add a poll to allow the other members to express their opinion. (How can I add a poll to my topic?)

- The multiple choice option must not be activated in the poll. Just add two options : "Yes" and "No" Wink

How are these suggestions accepted?

The Forumotion team will frequently read this section's topics to see what suggestion interests you. If an improvement can be added quickly, they will discuss about it and do it as soon as possible.

Behaviour to avoid
Like the others sections of this forum, you must respect the general rules. Everyone should have the right to express him/herself in good conditions and in a good atmosphere. If you wish to justify your vote, you may do so. Finally, please respect the different opinions of other members and don't be aggressive.

If these rules are not respected, your topic will be locked.

Originally written by Laurent and translated by Metal Knight and Tristou
Updated by Base - January 24, 2015
Forumotion Bot
Forumotion Bot
Forum Bot
Forum Bot

Posts : 20
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Language : English
Location : English Support Forum

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