by kirk October 26th 2011, 5:54 am
I got your Pm
I have no idea what report/violation was reported on your forum.
Forumotion do not tell you what or where the violations are on your forum for two reasons.
The first reason.Litigation's simply do not have the time,(they have to many other reports to go on to and investigate),So they are not going to tell you or point out the threads on your forum that have been reported or are in violation, This is not their responsibility.
The second reason is, It's forums admins,founder and staff responsibility to run and maintain their forums., This means you have to check all post content as they are posted and remove anything that may be in violation as you go along. If you have staff and they are checking all post content as they are posted, then you should not have any violations remaining on the board. Of course you may not be able to get to every post at once,But thats why you should have all the moderators you think are necessary to better help keep the forum maintained and up to date.
Other then that, Since you have gotten a waring from litigation's in your admin panel, then forumotion feels whatever was reported they did not have to shut your forum down immediately and will give you time to remove any violations.
So all you can do is go through your post/threads and remove anything that would be a potential violation. Um??? You said something about some sort abuse taking place with children or something?
If there is some sort abuse going on that involves children or even bringing some sort of serious harm to an adult? Then i suggest you gather all information of the parties posting the content on your forum and report it to your local police along with your service provider,They will then tell you what other actions to take if any, they may do it their self's, it depends what the crime or abuses are? If there is another forumotion forum with such abuses taking place, then you send me the links and screen shots and i will send it off to a pro-admin my self to be shut down and or handed over to the appropriate authorities.
The reason i have replied here and not your PM is for others to see this as well.Staff here on forumotion Support are not in anyway affiliated or have anything to do with forumotion Litigation, With the acception of Thegodfather, All staff here are here for tech support and support related questions, However like i said above, If there is something happening on a forum that is presenting real danger or bring someone in to harms way, then and only then would we pass any reports on. Other then that all reports have to be reported to forumotion litigations, I mean we get people all the time telling us some sort of story of this and that , and that and this. It has to be reported to instigations.
Litigations are the only ones that can look into,investigate and take any necessary actions for what is reported