Members are not getting their activation email and cannot access forum... Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    Members are not getting their activation email and cannot access forum...

    New Member

    Posts : 1
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    Language : English

    Members are not getting their activation email and cannot access forum... Empty Members are not getting their activation email and cannot access forum...

    Post by Forbiddenrealms October 30th 2011, 2:09 am

    Two members have now tried to join my forum and have both contacted me with concerns that they have not recieved their activation email?

    Any thing I can do to fix this?

    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1391
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    Members are not getting their activation email and cannot access forum... Empty Re: Members are not getting their activation email and cannot access forum...

    Post by Empire_1 October 30th 2011, 2:32 am

    Forbiddenrealms wrote:Two members have now tried to join my forum and have both contacted me with concerns that they have not recieved their activation email?

    Any thing I can do to fix this?


    Hi, recheck your user registration settings.

    You can also simply activate them manually. Go to ACP >> Users & Groups tab >> Inactive members
