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Way to Load First Post In Topic Through "Latest Topics" Widget's URL Link

Thank you for the hotkey tutorial @Neptune- I'll be sure to share those with members who may be unaware.

However, I noticed the issue seems to be from clicking the topic title from the Portal tab part of the site. It takes you to the furthest bottom post of that topic. It adds on a # with a few numbers onto the post's original URL. For example "Roleplay-Rules" would become "Roleplay-Rules#8764" when clicking the link through the portal page. If I erase the #8764 from the URL and hit enter then it loads the post in at the top normally as you said.

Our members almost universally check the portal page anytime signing onto the site as its the easiest way to see the list of most recent topics/posts, especially when a member in our chatgroup announces they've recently posted a new one. Is there any sort of coding or settings that would allow the default url to be loaded when clicking topic titles through the Portal portion of our site?

Thanks again for the help!

by AnyColor
on September 30th 2021, 7:15 am
Search in: Garbage
Topic: Way to Load First Post In Topic Through "Latest Topics" Widget's URL Link
Replies: 13
Views: 1389

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