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Forumactif Edge - A Free Modern and Responsive Forum Theme

@Broomhilda sure, it's no problem. I'll leave the default theme list below with the primary color and name. Wink You can also view all the theme palettes here ; each theme has 5 different color shades, where the first is the brightest, the second is the default primary ( colors listed below ), and the rest are darker shades. They're in shorthand hex, so #CCC is equal to #CCCCCC. If any questions about those, just let me know.

#CCCCCC = Silver
#999999 = Dusty Gray
#666666 = Dove Gray
#333333 = Mine Shaft
#CC3333 = Persian Red
#BB2222 = Christmas Red
#FF4444 = Coral Red
#CC6666 = Chestnut Rose
#CC9999 = Eunry
#BB8888 = Brandy Rose
#997777 = Bazaar
#EE4433 = Cinnabar
#BB5544 = Crail
#EE5533 = Flamingo
#DD6644 = Red Damask
#993311 = Tabasco
#AA5533 = Paarl
#AA6644 = Cape Palliser
#CC6633 = Tuscany
#DD6622 = Hot Cinnamon
#FF6600 = Blaze Orange
#FF7711 = Pumpkin
#CC9966 = Antique Brass
#CC8844 = Raw Sienna
#664422 = Earthtone
#887766 = Americano
#776655 = Coffee
#884400 = Cinnamon
#995500 = Brown
#DDBB88 = Sandy Tan
#CC9933 = Hokey Pokey
#665533 = Sienna
#887755 = Shadow
#EEAA11 = Buttercup
#EEBB33 = Tulip Tree
#DDAA22 = Golden Grass
#CC9911 = Pizza
#AA8822 = Reef Gold
#888800 = Olive
#444411 = Camouflage
#888866 = Avocado
#CCCC33 = Earls Green
#CCCC66 = Laser
#CCCC99 = Pine Glade
#779922 = Pea Green
#99CC33 = Celery
#88DD00 = Chartreuse
#88CC33 = Forumactif Green
#88BB55 = Dollar Bill
#99CC66 = Wild Willow
#77AA55 = Asparagus
#66CC33 = Atlantis
#228822 = Forest Green
#006600 = Christmas Green
#33CC33 = Apple
#66CC66 = Mantis
#99CC99 = De York
#88AA88 = Envy
#66CC77 = Spruce
#11AA33 = Bottle Green
#66AA77 = Aqua Forest
#33CC66 = Mountain Meadow
#22AA55 = Meadow
#338855 = Sea Green
#337755 = Amazon
#66CC99 = Emerald
#33CC99 = Shamrock
#44BBAA = Blue Lagoon
#33CCCC = Turquoise
#66CCCC = Downy
#99CCCC = Sinbad
#008888 = Teal
#118899 = Blue Chill
#00AADD = Cerulean
#0077AA = Deep Cerulean
#3399CC = Curious Blue
#778899 = Slate Gray
#6699CC = Danube
#0077FF = Azure Radiance
#3366CC = Mariner
#3355AA = Azure
#3333CC = Governor Bay
#6666CC = Blue Marguerite
#9999CC = Blue Bell
#555577 = Comet
#6633CC = Purple Heart
#9966CC = Amethyst
#AA99BB = Amethyst Smoke
#DDAAFF = Mauve
#774499 = Affair
#9933CC = Purple
#BB77DD = Lavendar
#CC33CC = Cerise
#CC66CC = Fuchsia Pink
#CC99CC = Lilac
#CC3399 = Red Violet
#881155 = Disco
#FF99CC = Carnation Pink
#CC6699 = Hopbush
#EE4488 = French Rose
#CC3366 = Hibiscus
#771133 = Claret
#660022 = Bordeaux
#FF88AA = Tickle Me Pink
#880022 = Burgundy
#DD5577 = Blush
#FF5577 = Wild Watermelon
#EE3355 = Amaranth
#FF99AA = Mauvelous
#EE2233 = Alizarin Crimson
by Ange Tuteur
on March 19th 2017, 2:07 am
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Topic: Forumactif Edge - A Free Modern and Responsive Forum Theme
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