Current date/time is November 9th 2024, 12:21 am

Viewing profile: Ch@lo Valdez

1 to 8 on 8 friends

  1. Ace 1
  2. Dr Jay
    Hobbies : Forums, security research, development CSS HTML JS etc.
    Rank : Forumember
  3. hamesashek
  4. Legionheart
    Hobbies : Ex-Reviewer | Ex-Support Mod
    Rank : Helper
  5. Ritsu
    Hobbies : Drawing, programming, coding, writting, gaming sometimes. Making people iritated :p
    Rank : Forumember
  6. SamanthaMelissaS
    Hobbies : Being and admin on Friendcodes & Avacweb.
    Rank : Forumember
  7. YoshiGM
    Hobbies : Play VideoGames
    Rank : Active Poster
  8. ZuniThoang
Ch@lo Valdez
Ch@lo Valdez

Rank: Forumember
Earned awards
Community Coding and Analysis Zone. member
When you make codes in the Community Coding and Analysis Zone
Member for 10 years plus
You have been a member for 10 plus years