Current date/time is December 8th 2024, 1:28 pm

Viewing profile: Nemo

1 to 10 on 29 friends

  1. Ace 1
  2. Ange Tuteur
    Hobbies : Studying Japanese, Programming, Games, Anime
    Rank : Forumaster
  3. Ape
    Hobbies : Working for the dark side/ Admin of the support forum
    Usergroups : Forumotion Administrators, Forumotion Trial Reviewers
    Rank : Administrator
  4. Bigtuber
    Hobbies : Staff on
    Rank : Forumember
  5. brandon_g
  6. Chapo
  7. Elementar
  8. Ellianna17
  9. Günther
  10. Ikerepc
    Hobbies : Professionsl web developement and design & Forumotion skins. Email me or visit for details
    Rank : Active Poster

Rank: Active Poster
Earned awards
Member for 10 years plus
You have been a member for 10 plus years