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CSS Chatbox tab?

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Solved CSS Chatbox tab?

Post by Ravenstar October 4th 2012, 2:58 am

hi, I m trying to get our forum chatbox to appear at the bottom right corner of the forum, and when you move up the page, the button for the chatbox follows, ive got the code for it:

<div id="LGchatbtn" class="wmenu" onclick="showhide('LGchat');" onmousedown="savelst();"> Chat (<span id="chatcount">0/0</span>)</div>

but, ive put it in the CSS and its done nothing, were do i put it, and how do i get it the in bottom right corner???

Male Posts : 54
Reputation : 2
Language : English|Javascript|HTML|Lua|
Location : :3 somwhere!

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Solved Re: CSS Chatbox tab?

Post by nextlevelgaming October 5th 2012, 4:36 am

Your code that you gave does not go into CSS that is html with inline js. So that would be one reason why it is not working in the CSS, cuz its not!

to ensure you are right follow the tuts provided by rideem.

and to place anything in bottom right the CSS prop would be

That is css, which of course is not the right ID just an example.

And if you are using phpbb3, you only have CSS and Javascript files to work with. You do not have template editing. Meaning the code you gave is not from LG's tutorials.

Male Posts : 989
Reputation : 38
Language : English|CSS|HTML5|javascript|
Location : New York

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Solved Re: CSS Chatbox tab?

Post by Ravenstar October 6th 2012, 12:37 am

lol, i fail XP, thanks for your help, ive got it working now

Male Posts : 54
Reputation : 2
Language : English|Javascript|HTML|Lua|
Location : :3 somwhere!

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