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Escape Reality Roleplay Forum

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Escape Reality Roleplay Forum Empty Escape Reality Roleplay Forum

Post by versavulture March 5th 2012, 4:37 am

Choice of the category: games & rpg

Choice of a title: Escape Reality Roleplay Forum

Forum address:

Main language: English

Forum description: A place to roleplay various styles and genres in one easy-to-navigate, forum.
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Female Posts : 2
Reputation : 1
Language : English

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Escape Reality Roleplay Forum Empty Re: Escape Reality Roleplay Forum

Post by versavulture March 5th 2013, 7:09 am

Escape Reality has returned with a fresh new look and is currently in need of active members!

In the past week alone, we've gained approximately 30 new members and while that's amazing, it's going to take a few more to keep things running smoothly. This forum is a place where you can create and participate in semi-literate roleplays. While I tend to leave the definition of "semi literate" up to the user, we expect anywhere between one and three paragraphs minimum per post. Anyone is more than welcome to join us c:
New Member

Female Posts : 2
Reputation : 1
Language : English

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