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Widgets Multiple Backgrounds

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Solved Widgets Multiple Backgrounds

Post by CatherinaAndrea March 25th 2012, 9:07 pm

Is there any way of having different widgets with different backgrounds? Maybe through Javascript?

Thank you in advance. Wink

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Solved Re: Widgets Multiple Backgrounds

Post by CatherinaAndrea March 26th 2012, 7:11 pm

Bump beu

Female Posts : 230
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Solved Re: Widgets Multiple Backgrounds

Post by CatherinaAndrea March 27th 2012, 3:17 pm

Would this code work in any way if it's amended to each individual widget??


$(function(){$('#fa_ticker_container').parent().parent('.module').css('background' , 'transparent');});


Female Posts : 230
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Solved Re: Widgets Multiple Backgrounds

Post by kirk March 31st 2012, 12:27 am

I think it would have to be done with css,
But splitting them up individual ? not sure? I will try some testing and see how i make out.

Other then that, custom widgets and the others you can edit.
You can always create a table with a background image, then place your widget content within another table in the background table. so it would be like a table in a table with the first table having a background image,then the second table would be your widget content..

actually now i think about, it could be done with just one table with a background image

However will have to test that too, because sizing would be everything.
It would most likely work fine, but you will have to have it all sized up perfect to what your widget is.

unless someone dose have a good java or jquery code for it,?

Info added

Yeah for any custom widgets or the others you can edit the content in
you can use a code like this.

<table style="width: 158px; height: 174px;">

<td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"

content  here



Be sure to use line breaks <br> if you need content to be separated on a new line.
and you can adjust the height and width for what you would need it fit in the widget.

So that one way, i am still going to try some css too, But am not to sure about that yet.
Because you want different backgrounds in each widget.. But i will let you now how i make out.

Here is one i added a image to if you wanted to test it,
Of course you would have to wrap whatever content in center tags to for it to be centered etc..

<table style="width: 158px; height: 174px;">

<td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"

content  here




Male Posts : 11037
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Solved Re: Widgets Multiple Backgrounds

Post by CatherinaAndrea April 1st 2012, 7:50 pm

I will try this, but i think doing it this way means you will still see the background of the CSS code of the widgets unless you make the .module background transparent.
Now thinking about it, this might work but as you said i will need to size the backgrounds accordingly to each widget.
I will give this a try in the next couple a days and post the result here if it works or not.

Thank you Wink

Female Posts : 230
Reputation : 19
Language : English, Russian, Dutch

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Solved Re: Widgets Multiple Backgrounds

Post by kirk April 3rd 2012, 7:41 pm

the css will not affect it because the background is being put as a background image in a table code, So if you re-size it to the size of your widgets it will cover the default css you have,

it's just a like a little trick and am kind of wining it lol,
I honestly can not think of any other way to get different backgrounds for individual widgets? Keep in mind you can only do this to widgets you can edit, For the ones you cant edit just go with a background that is suitable and still looks good what the other backgrounds you are using Smile

Unless there is a way to name/identify each individual widget, then css should work, But we will have to run it by someone that has better css skills then my self for that one... I am sure it is possible, but not sure how you would go about setting a separate id for each widget you have. Plus having the ability to create new ID for any new widgets you may add ?

Male Posts : 11037
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Solved Re: Widgets Multiple Backgrounds

Post by CatherinaAndrea April 5th 2012, 9:05 pm

I tried it with the codes and ideas you gave me, but it doesn't give the desired look Crying or Very sad So that means i will have to get my butt in gear and learn how to make html pages.

See here for my results (just a tester webby):

Thank you for your help tho, much appreciated. Wink

Female Posts : 230
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Language : English, Russian, Dutch

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Solved Re: Widgets Multiple Backgrounds

Post by kirk April 6th 2012, 5:54 am

you have the images in them i guess, i would make them a little darker to stand out better, and you can add font code to change font color,
I would make it more white so it shows better.

Other then that if they are backgrounds images like then i dont think it looks bad just the images need to be a little more offset with the color so it stands out a little better, Like a slight curve to darken it a tad bit should do the trick Smile

Anyway yeah they will work for html pages as well, you would just have to adjust things a little for how you want them, I create most of my pages in Dreamweaver. But i'll use Kompozer for simple stuff.

Here is Kompozer, it's free it works fine for general page layouts..
I mean for free web designing software it's really good and you can learn a lot with it.. I have Dreamweaver but paid out of the nose for it and is a lot to learn, But it is something you get better at with time.. I am by far a pro, but do what works for me Smile

Actually i think it looks pretty tight, i like the images/designs your using,
Just bring up that font more white and tad bit of more darker on the images and it should look mint Very good Very good Very good

Male Posts : 11037
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Solved Re: Widgets Multiple Backgrounds

Post by CatherinaAndrea April 6th 2012, 2:07 pm

Yea i already have Kompozer since i seen someone mention it here somewhere, but man did it confuse the hell out of me when i opened it up.
But HTML here i come cause the way it looks now, the alignment is way off.

I used to have the old DreamWeaver from ages ago, and that worked quite well for me ( seemed a lot easier anyways) so i might try and see if i can find that again.

Thank you Kirk for your time, you can lock this thread now, cause i got all the answers from it that i needed. Very Happy

Female Posts : 230
Reputation : 19
Language : English, Russian, Dutch

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Solved Re: Widgets Multiple Backgrounds

Post by Jophy April 6th 2012, 2:19 pm

Since this thread appears to be solved, I will mark this thread as Solved and move it now.

Note: You can also help the staff member's work by EDITING your topic and marking it as Solved.

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