Show Members of a Certain Group Widget Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    Show Members of a Certain Group Widget

    Rune Online
    New Member

    Posts : 1
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Show Members of a Certain Group Widget Empty Show Members of a Certain Group Widget

    Post by Rune Online July 26th 2012, 5:07 pm

    So I'm sitting here looking at a blank widget source trying to think how this is even possible. I don't know html very much, basically not at all.

    What I want to do is get a widget to show a list of members in a group. They don't have to be online, I just want a list of their names saying they're part of this group. Basically the memberlist, but just showing one group without pressing any buttons. I guess a "[ View the whole list ]" like the top posters would be good, so it isn't a massive box of text all the time.

    Hopefully that makes sense.

    Here's a visual example:

    Group Name

    In total there are X users in this group

    Name1, Name2, Name3

    [ View the whole list ]

    Male Posts : 989
    Reputation : 38
    Language : English|CSS|HTML5|javascript|
    Location : New York

    Show Members of a Certain Group Widget Empty Re: Show Members of a Certain Group Widget

    Post by nextlevelgaming July 26th 2012, 5:32 pm

    Only problem with this is I believe the variables that are used to show the groups members and information and such are php variables. Those placeholders cannot be inserted into a widget format. You would need to make everything manually.