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    Forums vs Social Networks?


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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by JazeonX August 11th 2012, 2:24 pm

    If you've noticed people uses social networks instead of forums now a days.

    Do you think forums will not be anymore needed knowing social networks can create forums and other pages through applications?
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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by snow-walker August 28th 2012, 5:59 pm

    I am wondering the same. I think forums aren't as popular as they use to be and for that reason I hesitated in creating one.
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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Soul13 September 3rd 2012, 5:55 am

    I wouldn't say they've taken over completely yet but forums are definitely slowly dying..

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by runawayhorses September 8th 2012, 5:13 pm

    I think there will always be a place for forums, and I think they will get more popular again when the social networks start to die. Even facebook won't stay on top forever, they are already starting to notice a decline in popularity. The reason is BECAUSE of its popularity, the younger generation likes to be different and not socialize in the same places there parents do, so more and more they are looking to other places to socialize other than facebook. Facebook is becoming "uncool" to some younger people because its popular with adults. This pattern will continue until eventually Facebook will become another MySpace type failure. All of these social networks are a fad and short-lived. Although forums survive because they are personalized.

    Facebook took MySpace's idea and ran with it, creating more socializing options than MySpace and better promotion was MySpace's demise. Although they are still managing to stay online. Facebook is not as good as MySpace when it comes to being able to design your own page, not even close.

    I think website designers enjoyed MySpace far better than Facebook, because you could be more creative with the design of your page, as Facebook you are extremely limited to what you can do with the design, and in effect all facebook pages look the same as the next. But the facebook owners insist that it be that way, they don't want people to be creative, they want all there pages to look the same and very much alike. They do however allow you to change a header (oh wow!). They probably don't even like that but permit it to give members the illusion they have control over there page. They want it that way so it will always look professional and conformed when you visit a Facebook page. They want there to be no mistaking people are on a facebook site and they own it. They don't want your creativity, they want you to click on there ads.

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Mike September 10th 2012, 2:47 am

    Forums definately aren't as popular.. but isn't a forum tecnically a social "network"

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by runawayhorses September 10th 2012, 8:26 am

    Drogba921 wrote:Forums definately aren't as popular.. but isn't a forum tecnically a social "network"
    I suppose in a sense forums are, but certainly not on as large a scale as facebook is. When you think of a forum you think a smaller venue, and when you think of a social network you think of big corporate powerhouses like facebook and twitter that have a far bigger audience. The word "network" is the differentiating term that separates forums from places like facebook. You never hear the term "social forum" because it sounds redundant. And you rarely hear the term "forum network" instead you hear "forum host".

    Its really neither here nor there if a forum is technically a "social network" or not, because its understood that places like facebook are more commonly referred to and recognized as "Social Networks". People don't generally associate forums as being social networks because they are venues on a much smaller scale. Even you recognized the difference, as you yourself stated "Forums definately aren't as popular".

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by jatt12 September 11th 2012, 6:40 pm

    Yes I agree with the above post, well said friend ,On other hand there are some forums which are most popular due to there certain Topics or may be other reason. Mostly Technically forums are very popular.

    I think the forums will last longer apart from Social Networks. Thanks
    Gasai Yuno
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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Gasai Yuno September 17th 2012, 9:29 am

    Can't stand Facebook besides my own fan page for Gasai Yuno, so I say forums are best. Forums IMO are easier to moderate, get set up, and attract people.
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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by ArtaneNg November 2nd 2012, 12:42 am

    I really enjoyed using the forum that was created for my class - it's easy to manage, can be customised, more private etc
    On the downside, it's tough to ensure every member of my class actually read the important post =.= facebook is great for that cos it allows tagging and make sure that the relevant person is notified of something that needs thier attention
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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by dj07 November 7th 2012, 12:04 pm

    Forums are not much popular among people. Even I also get surprised when somebody asks me what is forum. Actually forums are popular among technical people only. But these are good platform for sharing and getting lots of information.
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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by ladybugbulldogges November 7th 2012, 6:53 pm

    I like the forums better as with places like FB, to find info you have to scroll through too much crap & its not organized.
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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by mochacup November 8th 2012, 4:13 pm

    i agree with some of the comments. i like the forums because facebook does not allow personalization of the profile nor wall. i stopped using myspace because i do not like the navigation bar and my computer also had difficult time loading myspace pages.

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Toddseahawks November 11th 2012, 4:40 am

    JazeonX wrote:If you've noticed people uses social networks instead of forums now a days.

    Do you think forums will not be anymore needed knowing social networks can create forums and other pages through applications?

    I can say....that belonging to forums long before networks have taking over. Membership has dropped dramatically.

    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Guest January 9th 2013, 5:52 pm

    I use neither.

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by SLGray January 9th 2013, 7:27 pm

    materialgal wrote:I use neither.
    So you do not have a Forumotion forum?

    Forums vs Social Networks? Slgray10

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by levy January 9th 2013, 7:35 pm

    I like and forums and social networks ,but more forums .
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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Omu January 10th 2013, 2:53 pm

    In my case. both of them are on the same plan. =)
    Darth Apple
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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Darth Apple January 10th 2013, 3:01 pm

    It would be hard for me to choose between the two. I think forums and social media both have their advantages. I find it hard to share personal information and things like that on forums, however. That's more of a social-media kind of a thing, whereas forums are good for gaming fansites, support forums, etc...
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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty HI

    Post by EOSxGenocide January 14th 2013, 12:00 am

    Just want to say hello

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by SLGray January 14th 2013, 12:01 am

    EOSxGenocide wrote:Just want to say hello
    You should have said hello in this thread - .

    Forums vs Social Networks? Slgray10

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Forums Will Always Have A Place For Those Who Know How To Participate In Them

    Post by Guest January 16th 2013, 6:05 pm

    I am not a big fan of social networks, only participating to make connections with business partners. I don't think forums will ever become "extinct!". Yes, the Internet is constantly evolving and Facebook has played a big role, with Twitter now also getting more and more users. While social networks are at least partially responsible for the decline of discussion forums, I think there will always be the need for well structured discussion and interaction of the kind that sites such as Twitter and Facebook just don't offer. I strongly believe that niche forums will stay alive. These provide the best way for any global group of people who share a common interest to come together.

    In my opinion, forums remain ideal for those technical enough to search and make use of them. Facebook has attracted a whole new wave of people onto the web, but this "new breed" of people has no interest whatsoever in the classic forum model. They simply want something simple and easy to use.

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Derri February 24th 2013, 4:39 pm

    I think forums are getting less popular due to social networks. However a forum is a form of "social networking" Its just things like facebook and other chatting software's are becoming much more popular.

    I think forums will never be entirely replaced because forums are groups of people who enjoy discussing the same thing.


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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by S-t-e-v-e- February 25th 2013, 12:38 am

    forum are dying a slow death because they look garbage on mobile more and more people are using mobile these days, what would you use a crappy looking forum or a Facebook page? if i had to use a mobile i would use Facebook

    this is why i campaign a lot for a better looking mobile forums i know 1000s of people who want to use my forum but they cant stand how crap it look like and they dont want to keep changing their settings

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Derri February 25th 2013, 12:48 am

    S-t-e-v-e- wrote:forum are dying a slow death because they look garbage on mobile more and more people are using mobile these days, what would you use a crappy looking forum or a Facebook page? if i had to use a mobile i would use Facebook

    this is why i campaign a lot for a better looking mobile forums i know 1000s of people who want to use my forum but they cant stand how crap it look like and they dont want to keep changing their settings

    If you take a look at this announcement: you'll see that they are attempting to improve the forumotion mobile view style.

    I think its hard for any forum company to design a mobile app for their forums that will work well and look stylish. Many smart phones today will allow the forum to be viewed normally instead of using something that is designed for mobiles.

    Tap Talk works well with most forums allowing them to be mobile friendly and look good.

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by runawayhorses February 25th 2013, 2:27 am

    I think Steve's point is people don't want to go out of there way to view one website that has problems. But you are correct FM is attempting to fix it for mobile.

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Pendo February 25th 2013, 8:21 am

    Saying Social Networks will kill Forums is like saying that Large Companies will kill Ma-Pa Businesses (small businesses). There will always be a place for forums, in my opinion. Forums are a totally different area as well. I don't see Forumotion going out any time soon (at least I hope not, almost 100% of my internet time is spent related to Forumotion), so there's nothing to worry about. However, I will say this. Forums and Social Networks are not very alike. The fun in forums is that you can create your own, customize it, and build it. But that's just being the owner or an admin. For the members it's a place to congregate with and meet others who share the same interests and passions as they do. Forums provide a safe haven for people to be anonymous or whatever they may choose. Social networks put everything out there and mostly cater to audiences that already know each other. Forums allow you to meet new people and give more topics of interest. I don't know, maybe I'm just babbling, but some people I've come to know on Forumotion have become almost like family to me. Social Networking has not given me close to the experience that forumotion has. If I could only choose one, Forumotion would definitely be my choice.

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by S-t-e-v-e- February 25th 2013, 8:53 am

    Derri wrote:
    S-t-e-v-e- wrote:forum are dying a slow death because they look garbage on mobile more and more people are using mobile these days, what would you use a crappy looking forum or a Facebook page? if i had to use a mobile i would use Facebook

    this is why i campaign a lot for a better looking mobile forums i know 1000s of people who want to use my forum but they cant stand how crap it look like and they dont want to keep changing their settings

    If you take a look at this announcement: you'll see that they are attempting to improve the forumotion mobile view style.

    I think its hard for any forum company to design a mobile app for their forums that will work well and look stylish. Many smart phones today will allow the forum to be viewed normally instead of using something that is designed for mobiles.

    Tap Talk works well with most forums allowing them to be mobile friendly and look good.

    first update in like 3 years it be another 3 years before we see another one. and it still look crap if i had to use that i wouldn't use the forum

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by SLGray February 25th 2013, 10:30 am

    Forums vs Social Networks? Slgray10

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by S-t-e-v-e- February 25th 2013, 10:54 am

    SLGray wrote:It has not been 3 years since the last updates.

    we are talking about the mobile not normal updates

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    Forums vs Social Networks? Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by runawayhorses February 25th 2013, 10:58 am